Source code for test_model_summary

"""Unit test the model summary."""

import pytest

from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis, pfba
from cobra.summary import ModelSummary

[docs]def test_model_summary_interface(model, opt_solver): """Test that a summary can be created successfully.""" model.solver = opt_solver ModelSummary(model=model,) ModelSummary( model=model, solution=pfba(model), ) ModelSummary( model=model, fva=0.95, ) ModelSummary( model=model, fva=flux_variability_analysis( model, reaction_list=["CYTBD", "NADH16", "SUCDi"]
), )
[docs]def test_model_summary_to_frame(model, opt_solver): """Test that the summary's method ``to_frame`` can be called.""" model.solver = opt_solver summary = model.summary() summary.to_frame()
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwargs", [ {}, {"names": True}, {"float_format": ".1f"}, {"threshold": 1e-2}, {"column_width": 20},
[docs] ], ) def test_model_summary_to_string(model, opt_solver, kwargs): """Test that the summary's method ``to_string`` can be called.""" model.solver = opt_solver summary = model.summary() summary.to_string(**kwargs)
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwargs", [{}, {"names": True}, {"float_format": ".1f"}, {"threshold": 1e-2}]
[docs]) def test_model_summary_to_html(model, opt_solver, kwargs): """Test that the summary's method ``to_html`` can be called.""" model.solver = opt_solver summary = model.summary() summary.to_html(**kwargs)
[docs]def test_model_summary_to_frame_previous_solution(model, opt_solver): """Test that the summary correctly uses an existing solution.""" model.solver = opt_solver solution = pfba(model) rxn = model.reactions.EX_glc__D_e solution.fluxes[] = -123 summary = model.summary(solution=solution) assert summary.to_frame().at[, "flux"] == 123
[docs]def test_model_summary_flux(model, opt_solver): """Test that the summary has expected fluxes.""" model.solver = opt_solver summary = model.summary() assert["EX_o2_e", "flux"] == pytest.approx(21.8, abs=1e-02) assert["EX_h2o_e", "flux"] == pytest.approx( -29.18, abs=1e-02
[docs]def test_model_summary_fva(model, opt_solver): """Test that the exchange summary is within expected bounds.""" model.solver = opt_solver summary = model.summary(fva=0.95) assert summary.to_frame().at["EX_o2_e", "flux"] == pytest.approx(21.8, abs=1e-02) assert summary.to_frame().at["EX_o2_e", "minimum"] == pytest.approx(19.9, abs=1e-02) assert summary.to_frame().at["EX_o2_e", "maximum"] == pytest.approx( 23.71, abs=1e-02 ) assert summary.to_frame().at["EX_h2o_e", "flux"] == pytest.approx(-29.18, abs=1e-02) assert summary.to_frame().at["EX_h2o_e", "minimum"] == pytest.approx( -30.72, abs=1e-02 ) assert summary.to_frame().at["EX_h2o_e", "maximum"] == pytest.approx(-25, abs=1e-02)
[docs]def test_model_summary_flux_in_context(model, opt_solver): """Test that the model summary inside and outside of a context are equal.""" model.solver = opt_solver copy = model.copy() with model: model.reactions.EX_glc__D_e.bounds = (0, 1000) model.reactions.EX_ac_e.bounds = (-10, 1000) context_summary = model.summary() copy.reactions.EX_glc__D_e.bounds = (0, 1000) copy.reactions.EX_ac_e.bounds = (-10, 1000) outside_summary = copy.summary() assert context_summary.to_frame()["flux"].values == pytest.approx( outside_summary.to_frame()["flux"].values, abs=model.tolerance