Source code for cobra.test.test_sampling.test_sampling

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Test functionalities of flux sampling methods."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import pytest

from cobra.core import Metabolite, Model, Reaction
from cobra.flux_analysis.parsimonious import pfba
from cobra.sampling import ACHRSampler, OptGPSampler, sample

[docs]def test_single_achr(model): """Test ACHR sampling (one sample).""" s = sample(model, 10, method="achr") assert s.shape == (10, len(model.reactions))
[docs]def test_single_optgp(model): """Test OptGP sampling (one sample).""" s = sample(model, 10, processes=1) assert s.shape == (10, len(model.reactions))
[docs]def test_multi_optgp(model): """Test OptGP sampling (multi sample).""" s = sample(model, 10, processes=2) assert s.shape == (10, len(model.reactions))
[docs]def test_wrong_method(model): """Test method intake sanity.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): sample(model, 1, method="schwupdiwupp")
[docs]def test_fixed_seed(model): """Test result of fixed seed for sampling.""" s1 = sample(model, 1, seed=42) s2 = sample(model, 1, seed=42) assert np.isclose(s1.TPI[0], s2.TPI[0])
[docs]def test_equality_constraint(model): """Test equality constraint.""" model.reactions.ACALD.bounds = (-1.5, -1.5) s = sample(model, 10) assert np.allclose(s.ACALD, -1.5, atol=1e-6, rtol=0) s = sample(model, 10, method="achr") assert np.allclose(s.ACALD, -1.5, atol=1e-6, rtol=0)
[docs]def test_inequality_constraint(model): """Test inequality constraint.""" co = model.problem.Constraint(model.reactions.ACALD.flux_expression, lb=-0.5) model.add_cons_vars(co) s = sample(model, 10) assert all(s.ACALD > -0.5 - 1e-6) s = sample(model, 10, method="achr") assert all(s.ACALD > -0.5 - 1e-6)
[docs]def test_inhomogeneous_sanity(model): """Test whether inhomogeneous sampling gives approximately the same standard deviation as a homogeneous version.""" model.reactions.ACALD.bounds = (-1.5, -1.5) s_inhom = sample(model, 64) model.reactions.ACALD.bounds = (-1.5 - 1e-3, -1.5 + 1e-3) s_hom = sample(model, 64) relative_diff = (s_inhom.std() + 1e-12) / (s_hom.std() + 1e-12) assert 0.5 < relative_diff.abs().mean() < 2 model.reactions.ACALD.bounds = (-1.5, -1.5) s_inhom = sample(model, 64, method="achr") model.reactions.ACALD.bounds = (-1.5 - 1e-3, -1.5 + 1e-3) s_hom = sample(model, 64, method="achr") relative_diff = (s_inhom.std() + 1e-12) / (s_hom.std() + 1e-12) assert 0.5 < relative_diff.abs().mean() < 2
[docs]def test_complicated_model(): """Test a complicated model. Difficult model since the online mean calculation is numerically unstable so many samples weakly violate the equality constraints. """ model = Model("flux_split") reaction1 = Reaction("V1") reaction2 = Reaction("V2") reaction3 = Reaction("V3") reaction1.bounds = (0, 6) reaction2.bounds = (0, 8) reaction3.bounds = (0, 10) A = Metabolite("A") reaction1.add_metabolites({A: -1}) reaction2.add_metabolites({A: -1}) reaction3.add_metabolites({A: 1}) model.add_reactions([reaction1, reaction2, reaction3]) optgp = OptGPSampler(model, 1, seed=42) achr = ACHRSampler(model, seed=42) optgp_samples = optgp.sample(100) achr_samples = achr.sample(100) assert any(optgp_samples.corr().abs() < 1.0) assert any(achr_samples.corr().abs() < 1.0) # > 95% are valid assert sum(optgp.validate(optgp_samples) == "v") > 95 assert sum(achr.validate(achr_samples) == "v") > 95
[docs]def test_single_point_space(model): """Test the reduction of the sampling space to one point.""" pfba_sol = pfba(model) pfba_const = model.problem.Constraint( sum(model.variables), ub=pfba_sol.objective_value ) model.add_cons_vars(pfba_const) model.reactions.Biomass_Ecoli_core.lower_bound = pfba_sol.fluxes.Biomass_Ecoli_core with pytest.raises(ValueError): s = sample(model, 1)