cobra.flux_analysis.summary Module Contents

cobra.flux_analysis.summary.metabolite_summary(met, solution=None, threshold=0.01, fva=False, names=False, floatfmt=".3g")[source]

Print a summary of the production and consumption fluxes.

This method requires the model for which this metabolite is a part to be solved.

  • solution (cobra.Solution, optional) – A previously solved model solution to use for generating the summary. If none provided (default), the summary method will resolve the model. Note that the solution object must match the model, i.e., changes to the model such as changed bounds, added or removed reactions are not taken into account by this method.
  • threshold (float, optional) – Threshold below which fluxes are not reported.
  • fva (pandas.DataFrame, float or None, optional) – Whether or not to include flux variability analysis in the output. If given, fva should either be a previous FVA solution matching the model or a float between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of the optimum objective to be searched.
  • names (bool, optional) – Emit reaction and metabolite names rather than identifiers (default False).
  • floatfmt (string, optional) – Format string for floats (default ‘.3g’).
cobra.flux_analysis.summary.model_summary(model, solution=None, threshold=0.01, fva=None, names=False, floatfmt=".3g")[source]

Print a summary of the input and output fluxes of the model.

  • solution (cobra.Solution, optional) – A previously solved model solution to use for generating the summary. If none provided (default), the summary method will resolve the model. Note that the solution object must match the model, i.e., changes to the model such as changed bounds, added or removed reactions are not taken into account by this method.
  • threshold (float, optional) – Threshold below which fluxes are not reported.
  • fva (pandas.DataFrame, float or None, optional) – Whether or not to include flux variability analysis in the output. If given, fva should either be a previous FVA solution matching the model or a float between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of the optimum objective to be searched.
  • names (bool, optional) – Emit reaction and metabolite names rather than identifiers (default False).
  • floatfmt (string, optional) – Format string for floats (default ‘.3g’).
cobra.flux_analysis.summary._process_flux_dataframe(flux_dataframe, fva, threshold, floatfmt)[source]

Some common methods for processing a database of flux information into print-ready formats. Used in both model_summary and metabolite_summary.