Source code for cobra.flux_analysis.summary

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import logging
from operator import attrgetter

import pandas as pd
from numpy import zeros
from six import iteritems, print_
from six.moves import zip_longest
from tabulate import tabulate

from cobra.flux_analysis.variability import flux_variability_analysis
from cobra.util.solver import linear_reaction_coefficients
from cobra.util.util import format_long_string
from cobra.core import get_solution

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def metabolite_summary(met, solution=None, threshold=0.01, fva=False, names=False, floatfmt='.3g'): """ Print a summary of the production and consumption fluxes. This method requires the model for which this metabolite is a part to be solved. Parameters ---------- solution : cobra.Solution, optional A previously solved model solution to use for generating the summary. If none provided (default), the summary method will resolve the model. Note that the solution object must match the model, i.e., changes to the model such as changed bounds, added or removed reactions are not taken into account by this method. threshold : float, optional Threshold below which fluxes are not reported. fva : pandas.DataFrame, float or None, optional Whether or not to include flux variability analysis in the output. If given, fva should either be a previous FVA solution matching the model or a float between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of the optimum objective to be searched. names : bool, optional Emit reaction and metabolite names rather than identifiers (default False). floatfmt : string, optional Format string for floats (default '.3g'). """ if names: emit = attrgetter('name') else: emit = attrgetter('id') if solution is None: met.model.slim_optimize(error_value=None) solution = get_solution(met.model, reactions=met.reactions) rxns = sorted(met.reactions, key=attrgetter("id")) rxn_id = list() rxn_name = list() flux = list() reaction = list() for rxn in rxns: rxn_id.append( rxn_name.append(format_long_string(emit(rxn), 10)) flux.append(solution[] * rxn.metabolites[met]) txt = rxn.build_reaction_string(use_metabolite_names=names) reaction.append(format_long_string(txt, 40 if fva is not None else 50)) flux_summary = pd.DataFrame({ "id": rxn_name, "flux": flux, "reaction": reaction }, index=rxn_id) if fva is not None: if hasattr(fva, 'columns'): fva_results = fva else: fva_results = flux_variability_analysis( met.model, list(met.reactions), fraction_of_optimum=fva) flux_summary["maximum"] = zeros(len(rxn_id), dtype=float) flux_summary["minimum"] = zeros(len(rxn_id), dtype=float) for rxn in rxns: fmax = rxn.metabolites[met] *[, "maximum"] fmin = rxn.metabolites[met] *[, "minimum"] if abs(fmin) <= abs(fmax):[, "fmax"] = fmax[, "fmin"] = fmin else: # Reverse fluxes.[, "fmax"] = fmin[, "fmin"] = fmax assert flux_summary["flux"].sum() < 1E-6, "Error in flux balance" flux_summary = _process_flux_dataframe(flux_summary, fva, threshold, floatfmt) flux_summary['percent'] = 0 total_flux = flux_summary.loc[flux_summary.is_input, "flux"].sum() flux_summary.loc[flux_summary.is_input, 'percent'] = \ flux_summary.loc[flux_summary.is_input, 'flux'] / total_flux flux_summary.loc[~flux_summary.is_input, 'percent'] = \ flux_summary.loc[~flux_summary.is_input, 'flux'] / total_flux flux_summary['percent'] = flux_summary.percent.apply( lambda x: '{:.0%}'.format(x)) if fva is not None: flux_table = tabulate( flux_summary.loc[:, ['percent', 'flux', 'fva_fmt', 'id', 'reaction']].values, floatfmt=floatfmt, headers=['%', 'FLUX', 'RANGE', 'RXN ID', 'REACTION']).split('\n') else: flux_table = tabulate( flux_summary.loc[:, ['percent', 'flux', 'id', 'reaction']].values, floatfmt=floatfmt, headers=['%', 'FLUX', 'RXN ID', 'REACTION'] ).split('\n') flux_table_head = flux_table[:2] met_tag = "{0} ({1})".format(format_long_string(, 45), format_long_string(, 10)) head = "PRODUCING REACTIONS -- " + met_tag print_(head) print_("-" * len(head)) print_('\n'.join(flux_table_head)) print_('\n'.join([2:])[flux_summary.is_input.values])) print_() print_("CONSUMING REACTIONS -- " + met_tag) print_("-" * len(head)) print_('\n'.join(flux_table_head)) print_('\n'.join([2:])[~flux_summary.is_input.values]))
[docs]def model_summary(model, solution=None, threshold=0.01, fva=None, names=False, floatfmt='.3g'): """ Print a summary of the input and output fluxes of the model. Parameters ---------- solution: cobra.Solution, optional A previously solved model solution to use for generating the summary. If none provided (default), the summary method will resolve the model. Note that the solution object must match the model, i.e., changes to the model such as changed bounds, added or removed reactions are not taken into account by this method. threshold : float, optional Threshold below which fluxes are not reported. fva : pandas.DataFrame, float or None, optional Whether or not to include flux variability analysis in the output. If given, fva should either be a previous FVA solution matching the model or a float between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of the optimum objective to be searched. names : bool, optional Emit reaction and metabolite names rather than identifiers (default False). floatfmt : string, optional Format string for floats (default '.3g'). """ if names: emit = attrgetter('name') else: emit = attrgetter('id') objective_reactions = linear_reaction_coefficients(model) boundary_reactions = model.exchanges summary_rxns = set(objective_reactions.keys()).union(boundary_reactions) if solution is None: model.slim_optimize(error_value=None) solution = get_solution(model, reactions=summary_rxns) # Create a dataframe of objective fluxes obj_fluxes = pd.DataFrame({key: solution[] * value for key, value in iteritems(objective_reactions)}, index=['flux']).T obj_fluxes['id'] = obj_fluxes.apply( lambda x: format_long_string(, 15), 1) # Build a dictionary of metabolite production from the boundary reactions metabolites = {m for r in boundary_reactions for m in r.metabolites} index = sorted(metabolites, key=attrgetter('id')) metabolite_fluxes = pd.DataFrame({ 'id': [format_long_string(emit(m), 15) for m in index], 'flux': zeros(len(index), dtype=float) }, index=[ for m in index]) for rxn in boundary_reactions: for met, stoich in iteritems(rxn.metabolites):[, 'flux'] += stoich * solution[] # Calculate FVA results if requested if fva is not None: if len(index) != len(boundary_reactions): LOGGER.warning( "There exists more than one boundary reaction per metabolite. " "Please be careful when evaluating flux ranges.") metabolite_fluxes['fmin'] = zeros(len(index), dtype=float) metabolite_fluxes['fmax'] = zeros(len(index), dtype=float) if hasattr(fva, 'columns'): fva_results = fva else: fva_results = flux_variability_analysis( model, reaction_list=boundary_reactions, fraction_of_optimum=fva) for rxn in boundary_reactions: for met, stoich in iteritems(rxn.metabolites): fmin = stoich *[, 'minimum'] fmax = stoich *[, 'maximum'] # Correct 'max' and 'min' for negative values if abs(fmin) <= abs(fmax):[, 'fmin'] += fmin[, 'fmax'] += fmax else:[, 'fmin'] += fmax[, 'fmax'] += fmin # Generate a dataframe of boundary fluxes metabolite_fluxes = _process_flux_dataframe( metabolite_fluxes, fva, threshold, floatfmt) # Begin building string output table def get_str_table(species_df, fva=False): """Formats a string table for each column""" if fva: return tabulate( species_df.loc[:, ['id', 'flux', 'fva_fmt']].values, floatfmt=floatfmt, tablefmt='simple', headers=['id', 'Flux', 'Range']).split('\n') else: return tabulate(species_df.loc[:, ['id', 'flux']].values, floatfmt=floatfmt, tablefmt='plain').split('\n') in_table = get_str_table( metabolite_fluxes[metabolite_fluxes['is_input']], fva=fva is not None) out_table = get_str_table( metabolite_fluxes[~metabolite_fluxes['is_input']], fva=fva is not None) obj_table = get_str_table(obj_fluxes, fva=False) # Print nested output table print_(tabulate( [entries for entries in zip_longest(in_table, out_table, obj_table)], headers=['IN FLUXES', 'OUT FLUXES', 'OBJECTIVES'], tablefmt='simple'))
[docs]def _process_flux_dataframe(flux_dataframe, fva, threshold, floatfmt): """Some common methods for processing a database of flux information into print-ready formats. Used in both model_summary and metabolite_summary. """ abs_flux = flux_dataframe['flux'].abs() flux_threshold = threshold * abs_flux.max() # Drop unused boundary fluxes if fva is None: flux_dataframe = flux_dataframe.loc[ abs_flux >= flux_threshold, :].copy() else: flux_dataframe = flux_dataframe.loc[ (abs_flux >= flux_threshold) | (flux_dataframe['fmin'].abs() >= flux_threshold) | (flux_dataframe['fmax'].abs() >= flux_threshold), :].copy() # Why set to zero? If included show true value? # flux_dataframe.loc[ # flux_dataframe['flux'].abs() < flux_threshold, 'flux'] = 0 # Make all fluxes positive if fva is None: flux_dataframe['is_input'] = (flux_dataframe['flux'] >= 0) flux_dataframe['flux'] = flux_dataframe['flux'].abs() else: def get_direction(flux, fmin, fmax): """ decide whether or not to reverse a flux to make it positive """ if flux < 0: return -1 elif flux > 0: return 1 elif (fmax > 0) & (fmin <= 0): return 1 elif (fmax < 0) & (fmin >= 0): return -1 elif ((fmax + fmin) / 2) < 0: return -1 else: return 1 sign = flux_dataframe.apply( lambda x: get_direction(x.flux, x.fmin, x.fmax), 1) flux_dataframe['is_input'] = sign == 1 flux_dataframe.loc[:, ['flux', 'fmin', 'fmax']] = \ flux_dataframe.loc[:, ['flux', 'fmin', 'fmax']].multiply( sign, 0).astype('float').round(6) flux_dataframe.loc[:, ['flux', 'fmin', 'fmax']] = \ flux_dataframe.loc[:, ['flux', 'fmin', 'fmax']].applymap( lambda x: x if abs(x) > 1E-6 else 0) if fva is not None: flux_dataframe['fva_fmt'] = flux_dataframe.apply( lambda x: ("[{0.fmin:" + floatfmt + "}, {0.fmax:" + floatfmt + "}]").format(x), 1) flux_dataframe = flux_dataframe.sort_values( by=['flux', 'fmax', 'fmin', 'id'], ascending=[False, False, False, True]) else: flux_dataframe = flux_dataframe.sort_values( by=['flux', 'id'], ascending=[False, True]) return flux_dataframe