Source code for

"""Define the group class."""

from typing import Iterable, Optional, Set
from warnings import warn

from .object import Object

[docs]class Group(Object): """ Manage groups via this implementation of the SBML group specification. `Group` is a class for holding information regarding a pathways, subsystems, or other custom groupings of objects within a cobra.Model object. Parameters ---------- id : str The identifier to associate with this group name : str, optional A human readable name for the group members : iterable, optional A DictList containing references to cobra.Model-associated objects that belong to the group. kind : {"collection", "classification", "partonomy"}, optional The kind of group, as specified for the Groups feature in the SBML level 3 package specification. Can be any of "classification", "partonomy", or "collection". The default is "collection". Please consult the SBML level 3 package specification to ensure you are using the proper value for kind. In short, members of a "classification" group should have an "is-a" relationship to the group (e.g. member is-a polar compound, or member is-a transporter). Members of a "partonomy" group should have a "part-of" relationship (e.g. member is part-of glycolysis). Members of a "collection" group do not have an implied relationship between the members, so use this value for kind when in doubt (e.g. member is a gap-filled reaction, or member is involved in a disease phenotype). """
[docs] KIND_TYPES = ("collection", "classification", "partonomy")
def __init__( self, id: str, name: str = "", members: Optional[Iterable] = None, kind: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initialize the group object. id : str The identifier to associate with this group name : str, optional A human readable name for the group members : iterable, optional A DictList containing references to cobra.Model-associated objects that belong to the group. kind : {"collection", "classification", "partonomy"}, optional The kind of group, as specified for the Groups feature in the SBML level 3 package specification. """ Object.__init__(self, id, name) self._members = set() if members is None else set(members) self._kind = None self.kind = "collection" if kind is None else kind # self.model is None or refers to the cobra.Model that # contains self self._model = None
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Get length of group. Returns ------- int An int with the length of the group. """ return len(self._members)
# read-only @property
[docs] def members(self) -> Set: """Get members of the group. Returns ------- Set A Set containing the members of the group. """ return self._members
[docs] def kind(self) -> str: """Return the group kind. Returns ------- str The group kind. Should be one of the three types allowed in SBML. """ return self._kind
@kind.setter def kind(self, kind: str) -> None: """Set the group kind. Parameters ---------- kind: str Must be one of the allowed kind types "collection", "classification", "partonomy". If kind is not one of these types, a ValueError Exception is raised. """ kind = kind.lower() if kind in self.KIND_TYPES: self._kind = kind else: raise ValueError(f"Kind can only by one of: {', '.join(self.KIND_TYPES)}.")
[docs] def add_members(self, new_members: list) -> None: """Add objects to the group. Parameters ---------- new_members : list A list of cobrapy objects to add to the group. """ if isinstance(new_members, str) or hasattr(new_members, "id"): warn("need to pass in a list") new_members = [new_members] self._members.update(new_members)
[docs] def remove_members(self, to_remove: list) -> None: """Remove objects from the group. Parameters ---------- to_remove : list A list of cobra objects to remove from the group """ if isinstance(to_remove, str) or hasattr(to_remove, "id"): warn("need to pass in a list") to_remove = [to_remove] self._members.difference_update(to_remove)