Source code for cobra.sampling.core

"""Provide low-level sampling stepper functions and helpers."""

import logging
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from .hr_sampler import HRSampler

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Maximum number of retries for sampling
[docs]MAX_TRIES = 100
[docs]def step( sampler: HRSampler, x: np.ndarray, delta: np.ndarray, fraction: Optional[float] = None, tries: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Sample a new feasible point from the point `x` in direction `delta`. This is the low-level sampling stepper for samplers derived from `HRSampler`. Currently, it's used by `ACHRSampler` and `OptGPSampler`. It's declared outside of the base sampling class to facilitate use of multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- sampler : cobra.sampling.HRSampler The sampler to sample a step for. x : np.array A point in the sampling region. delta : np.array The direction to take the step in. fraction : float, optional A float controlling the part of alpha difference to contribute to the fraction of `delta` (default None). If None, alpha is obtained from a normal distribution. tries : int, optional Total number of tries (default 0). Returns ------- np.array The new numpy array obtained after a step of sampling. Raises ------ RuntimeError If `tries` exceeds `MAX_TRIES`. """ prob = sampler.problem valid = (np.abs(delta) > sampler.feasibility_tol) & np.logical_not( prob.variable_fixed ) # permissible alphas for staying in variable bounds valphas = ((1.0 - sampler.bounds_tol) * prob.variable_bounds - x)[:, valid] valphas = (valphas / delta[valid]).flatten() if prob.bounds.shape[0] > 0: # permissible alphas for staying in constraint bounds ineqs = valid = np.abs(ineqs) > sampler.feasibility_tol balphas = ((1.0 - sampler.bounds_tol) * prob.bounds -[ :, valid ] balphas = (balphas / ineqs[valid]).flatten() # combined alphas alphas = np.hstack([valphas, balphas]) else: alphas = valphas pos_alphas = alphas[alphas > 0.0] neg_alphas = alphas[alphas <= 0.0] alpha_range = np.array( [ neg_alphas.max() if len(neg_alphas) > 0 else 0, pos_alphas.min() if len(pos_alphas) > 0 else 0, ] ) if fraction: alpha = alpha_range[0] + fraction * (alpha_range[1] - alpha_range[0]) else: alpha = np.random.uniform(alpha_range[0], alpha_range[1]) p = x + alpha * delta # Numerical instabilities may cause bounds invalidation # reset sampler and sample from one of the original warmup directions # if that occurs. Also reset if we got stuck. if ( np.any(sampler._bounds_dist(p) < -sampler.bounds_tol) or np.abs(np.abs(alpha_range).max() * delta).max() < sampler.bounds_tol ): if tries > MAX_TRIES: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot escape sampling region, model seems to be " "numerically unstable. Reporting the model to " " " "will help us to fix this." )"Found bounds infeasibility in sample, resetting to center.") newdir = sampler.warmup[np.random.randint(sampler.n_warmup)] sampler.retries += 1 return step(sampler,, newdir -, None, tries + 1) return p