Source code for test_gpr

"""Test functions of cobra.core.gene.GPR ."""
import itertools
from ast import parse as ast_parse

import pytest

from cobra.core.gene import GPR, ast2str, eval_gpr, parse_gpr

[docs]def test_gpr(): gpr1 = GPR() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 0 gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 0 assert gpr1.to_string() == "" assert gpr1.eval() gpr2 = gpr1.copy() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", ["", "", None])
[docs]def test_empty_gpr(test_input) -> None: gpr1 = GPR(test_input) assert not gpr1.body assert len(gpr1.genes) == 0 gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 0 assert gpr1.to_string() == "" assert gpr1.eval() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 0
[docs]def test_one_gene_gpr(): gpr1 = GPR.from_string("a") assert len(gpr1.genes) == 1 gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 1 assert gpr1.genes == {"a"} assert gpr1.to_string() == "a" assert gpr1.eval() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 1
# Gets an iterable of all combinations of genes except the empty list. Used to # evaluate AND gprs
[docs]def powerset_ne(iterable): "powerset_ne([1,2,3]) --> (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)" s = list(iterable) return itertools.chain.from_iterable( itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(1, len(s) + 1)
) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "gpr_input, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string", [ ("a & b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a and b"), ("a and b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a and b"), pytest.param( "a AND b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a and b", marks=pytest.mark.filterwarnings ), ("a & b & c", 3, {"a", "b", "c"}, "(a and b) and c"), ("a and b and c", 3, {"a", "b", "c"}, "a and b and c"),
[docs] ], ) def test_and_gpr(gpr_input, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string): gpr1 = GPR.from_string(gpr_input) assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes assert gpr1.genes == gpr_genes assert gpr1.to_string() == gpr_output_string assert gpr1.eval() for ko_genes in powerset_ne(gpr_genes): assert not gpr1.eval(ko_genes) assert gpr1.body gpr1.copy()
# Gets an iterable of all combinations of genes except a single gene and the empty # list. Used to evaluate OR gprs
[docs]def all_except_one(iterable): "all_except_one([1,2,3]) --> (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3)" s = list(iterable) return itertools.chain.from_iterable( itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(1, len(s))
) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "gpr_input, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string", [ ("a | b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a or b"), ("a or b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a or b"), pytest.param( "a OR b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a or b", marks=pytest.mark.filterwarnings ), ("a | b | c", 3, {"a", "b", "c"}, "(a or b) or c"), ("a or b or c", 3, {"a", "b", "c"}, "a or b or c"),
[docs] ], ) def test_or_gpr(gpr_input, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string): gpr1 = GPR.from_string(gpr_input) assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes assert gpr1.genes == gpr_genes assert gpr1.to_string() == gpr_output_string assert gpr1.eval() for ko_genes in all_except_one(gpr_genes): assert gpr1.eval(ko_genes) assert not gpr1.eval(gpr_genes) assert gpr1.body gpr1.copy()
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "gpr_input", [ "(a | b) & c", "(a or b) and c", pytest.param("(a OR b) AND c", marks=pytest.mark.filterwarnings),
[docs] ], ) def test_complicated_gpr(gpr_input): gpr1 = GPR.from_string(gpr_input) assert len(gpr1.genes) == 3 gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == 3 assert gpr1.to_string() == "(a or b) and c" assert gpr1.eval() assert gpr1.body assert gpr1.eval() assert gpr1.eval("a") assert gpr1.eval("b") assert not gpr1.eval("c") assert not gpr1.eval(["a", "b"]) assert not gpr1.eval(["a", "b", "c"]) gpr1.copy()
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "string_to_ast, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string", [ ("a", 1, {"a"}, "a"), ("a | b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a or b"), ("a or b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a or b"), pytest.param("a OR b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a or b", marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
[docs] ], ) def test_gpr_from_ast_or( string_to_ast, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string ) -> None: ast_tree = ast_parse(string_to_ast, "<string>", "eval") gpr1 = GPR(ast_tree) assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes assert gpr1.genes == gpr_genes assert gpr1.to_string() == gpr_output_string assert gpr1.eval() for ko_genes in all_except_one(gpr_genes): assert gpr1.eval(ko_genes) assert not gpr1.eval(gpr_genes) gpr1.copy()
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "string_to_ast, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string", [ ("a & b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a and b"), ("a and b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a and b"), pytest.param("a AND b", 2, {"a", "b"}, "a and b", marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
[docs] ], ) def test_gpr_from_ast_and( string_to_ast, num_genes, gpr_genes, gpr_output_string ) -> None: ast_tree = ast_parse(string_to_ast, "<string>", "eval") gpr1 = GPR(ast_tree) assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes gpr1.update_genes() assert len(gpr1.genes) == num_genes assert gpr1.genes == gpr_genes assert gpr1.to_string() == gpr_output_string assert gpr1.eval() for ko_genes in powerset_ne(gpr_genes): assert not gpr1.eval(ko_genes) gpr1.copy()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", [["a", "b"], {"a", "b"}])
[docs]def test_wrong_input_gpr_error(test_input): with pytest.raises(TypeError): GPR.from_string(test_input) with pytest.raises(TypeError): GPR(test_input)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", ["a |", "a &"])
[docs]def test_wrong_input_gpr_warning(test_input): with pytest.warns(SyntaxWarning): gpr1 = GPR.from_string(test_input) assert gpr1.body is None assert len(gpr1.genes) == 0
[docs]def test_deprecated_gpr(): gpr1 = GPR.from_string("(a | b) & c") with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert ast2str(gpr1) == "(a or b) and c" with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert eval_gpr(gpr1, {}) with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert eval_gpr(gpr1, {"a"}) with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert eval_gpr(gpr1, {"b"}) with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert not eval_gpr(gpr1, {"c"}) with pytest.deprecated_call(): gpr1, genes = parse_gpr("(a | b) & c") assert genes == {"a", "b", "c"} with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert ast2str(gpr1) == "(a or b) and c" with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert eval_gpr(gpr1, {}) with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert eval_gpr(gpr1, {"a"}) with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert eval_gpr(gpr1, {"b"}) with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert not eval_gpr(gpr1, {"c"})