Source code for test_parsimonious

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Test functionalities of pFBA."""

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pytest

from cobra.exceptions import Infeasible
from cobra.flux_analysis.parsimonious import add_pfba, pfba

[docs]def test_pfba_benchmark(large_model, benchmark, all_solvers): """Benchmark pFBA functionality.""" large_model.solver = all_solvers benchmark(pfba, large_model)
[docs]def test_pfba(model, all_solvers): """Test pFBA functionality.""" model.solver = all_solvers with model: add_pfba(model) with pytest.raises(ValueError): add_pfba(model) expression = model.objective.expression n_constraints = len(model.constraints) solution = pfba(model) assert solution.status == "optimal" assert solution.fluxes["Biomass_Ecoli_core"] == \ pytest.approx(0.8739, abs=1e-4, rel=0.0) assert solution.fluxes.abs().sum() == \ pytest.approx(518.4221, abs=1e-4, rel=0.0) # test changes to model reverted assert expression == model.objective.expression assert len(model.constraints) == n_constraints # needed? # Test desired_objective_value # desired_objective = 0.8 # pfba(model, solver=solver, # desired_objective_value=desired_objective) # abs_x = [abs(i) for i in model.solution.x] # assert model.solution.status == "optimal" # assert abs(model.solution.f - desired_objective) < 0.001 # assert abs(sum(abs_x) - 476.1594) < 0.001 # TODO: parametrize fraction (DRY it up) # Test fraction_of_optimum solution = pfba(model, fraction_of_optimum=0.95) assert solution.status == "optimal" assert solution.fluxes["Biomass_Ecoli_core"] == pytest.approx( 0.95 * 0.8739, abs=1e-4, rel=0.0) abs_x = [abs(i) for i in solution.fluxes.values] assert sum(abs_x) == pytest.approx(493.4400, abs=1e-4, rel=0.0) # Infeasible solution model.reactions.ATPM.lower_bound = 500 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("error", UserWarning) with pytest.raises((UserWarning, Infeasible, ValueError)): pfba(model)