Source code for

SBML import and export using python-libsbml.

- The SBML importer supports all versions of SBML and the fbc package.
- The SBML exporter writes SBML L3 models.
- Annotation information is stored on the cobrapy objects
- Information from the group package is read

Parsing of fbc models was implemented as efficient as possible, whereas
(discouraged) fallback solutions are not optimized for efficiency.

Notes are only supported in a minimal way relevant for constraint-based
models. I.e., structured information from notes in the form
   <p>key: value</p>
is read into the Object.notes dictionary when reading SBML files.
On writing the Object.notes dictionary is serialized to the SBML
notes information.

Annotations are read in the Object.annotation fields.

Some SBML related issues are still open, please refer to the respective issue:
- update annotation format and support qualifiers (depends on decision
    for new annotation format;
- write compartment annotations and notes (depends on updated first-class
    compartments; see
- support compression on file handles (depends on solution for

from __future__ import absolute_import

import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from sys import platform

import libsbml
from six import iteritems, raise_from, string_types

import cobra
from cobra.core import Gene, Group, Metabolite, Model, Reaction
from cobra.core.gene import parse_gpr
from cobra.manipulation.validate import check_metabolite_compartment_formula
from cobra.util.solver import linear_reaction_coefficients, set_objective

    from cStringIO import StringIO  # Python 2
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

[docs]class CobraSBMLError(Exception): """ SBML error class. """ pass
[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defaults and constants for writing SBML # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]config = cobra.Configuration() # for default bounds
[docs]LOWER_BOUND_ID = "cobra_default_lb"
[docs]UPPER_BOUND_ID = "cobra_default_ub"
[docs]ZERO_BOUND_ID = "cobra_0_bound"
[docs]BOUND_MINUS_INF = "minus_inf"
[docs]BOUND_PLUS_INF = "plus_inf"
[docs]SBO_FBA_FRAMEWORK = "SBO:0000624"
[docs]SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND = "SBO:0000626"
[docs]SBO_FLUX_BOUND = "SBO:0000625"
[docs]LONG_SHORT_DIRECTION = {'maximize': 'max', 'minimize': 'min'}
[docs]SHORT_LONG_DIRECTION = {'min': 'minimize', 'max': 'maximize'}
[docs]Unit = namedtuple('Unit', ['kind', 'scale', 'multiplier', 'exponent'])
[docs]UNITS_FLUX = ("mmol_per_gDW_per_hr", [ Unit(kind=libsbml.UNIT_KIND_MOLE, scale=-3, multiplier=1, exponent=1), Unit(kind=libsbml.UNIT_KIND_GRAM, scale=0, multiplier=1, exponent=-1), Unit(kind=libsbml.UNIT_KIND_SECOND, scale=0, multiplier=3600, exponent=-1)
]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions for id replacements (import/export) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]SBML_DOT = "__SBML_DOT__"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Precompiled note pattern # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]pattern_notes = re.compile( r"<(?P<prefix>(\w+:)?)p[^>]*>(?P<content>.*?)</(?P=prefix)p>", re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL
[docs]pattern_to_sbml = re.compile(r'([^0-9_a-zA-Z])')
[docs]pattern_from_sbml = re.compile(r'__(\d+)__')
[docs]def _escape_non_alphanum(nonASCII): """converts a non alphanumeric character to a string representation of its ascii number """ return '__' + str(ord( + '__'
[docs]def _number_to_chr(numberStr): """converts an ascii number to a character """ return chr(int(
[docs]def _clip(sid, prefix): """Clips a prefix from the beginning of a string if it exists.""" return sid[len(prefix):] if sid.startswith(prefix) else sid
[docs]def _f_gene(sid, prefix="G_"): """Clips gene prefix from id.""" sid = sid.replace(SBML_DOT, ".") sid = pattern_from_sbml.sub(_number_to_chr, sid) return _clip(sid, prefix)
[docs]def _f_gene_rev(sid, prefix="G_"): """Adds gene prefix to id.""" sid = pattern_to_sbml.sub(_escape_non_alphanum, sid) return prefix + sid.replace(".", SBML_DOT)
[docs]def _f_specie(sid, prefix="M_"): """Clips specie/metabolite prefix from id.""" sid = pattern_from_sbml.sub(_number_to_chr, sid) return _clip(sid, prefix)
[docs]def _f_specie_rev(sid, prefix="M_"): """Adds specie/metabolite prefix to id.""" sid = pattern_to_sbml.sub(_escape_non_alphanum, sid) return prefix + sid
[docs]def _f_reaction(sid, prefix="R_"): """Clips reaction prefix from id.""" sid = pattern_from_sbml.sub(_number_to_chr, sid) return _clip(sid, prefix)
[docs]def _f_reaction_rev(sid, prefix="R_"): """Adds reaction prefix to id.""" sid = pattern_to_sbml.sub(_escape_non_alphanum, sid) return prefix + sid
[docs]def _f_group(sid, prefix="G_"): """Clips group prefix from id.""" sid = pattern_from_sbml.sub(_number_to_chr, sid) return _clip(sid, prefix)
[docs]def _f_group_rev(sid, prefix="G_"): """Adds group prefix to id.""" sid = pattern_to_sbml.sub(_escape_non_alphanum, sid) return prefix + sid
[docs]F_GENE = "F_GENE"
[docs]F_GROUP = "F_GROUP"
[docs]F_REPLACE = { F_GENE: _f_gene, F_GENE_REV: _f_gene_rev, F_SPECIE: _f_specie, F_SPECIE_REV: _f_specie_rev, F_REACTION: _f_reaction, F_REACTION_REV: _f_reaction_rev, F_GROUP: _f_group, F_GROUP_REV: _f_group_rev,
} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read SBML # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def read_sbml_model(filename, number=float, f_replace=F_REPLACE, **kwargs): """Reads SBML model from given filename. If the given filename ends with the suffix ''.gz'' (for example, ''myfile.xml.gz'),' the file is assumed to be compressed in gzip format and will be automatically decompressed upon reading. Similarly, if the given filename ends with ''.zip'' or ''.bz2',' the file is assumed to be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively). Files whose names lack these suffixes will be read uncompressed. Note that if the file is in zip format but the archive contains more than one file, only the first file in the archive will be read and the rest ignored. To read a gzip/zip file, libSBML needs to be configured and linked with the zlib library at compile time. It also needs to be linked with the bzip2 library to read files in bzip2 format. (Both of these are the default configurations for libSBML.) This function supports SBML with FBC-v1 and FBC-v2. FBC-v1 models are converted to FBC-v2 models before reading. The parser tries to fall back to information in notes dictionaries if information is not available in the FBC packages, e.g., CHARGE, FORMULA on species, or GENE_ASSOCIATION, SUBSYSTEM on reactions. Parameters ---------- filename : path to SBML file, or SBML string, or SBML file handle SBML which is read into cobra model number: data type of stoichiometry: {float, int} In which data type should the stoichiometry be parsed. f_replace : dict of replacement functions for id replacement Dictionary of replacement functions for gene, specie, and reaction. By default the following id changes are performed on import: clip G_ from genes, clip M_ from species, clip R_ from reactions If no replacements should be performed, set f_replace={}, None Returns ------- cobra.core.Model Notes ----- Provided file handles cannot be opened in binary mode, i.e., use with open(path, "r" as f): read_sbml_model(f) File handles to compressed files are not supported yet. """ try: doc = _get_doc_from_filename(filename) return _sbml_to_model(doc, number=number, f_replace=f_replace, **kwargs) except IOError as e: raise e except Exception as original_error: cobra_error = CobraSBMLError( "Something went wrong reading the SBML model. Most likely the SBML" " model is not valid. Please check that your model is valid using " "the `` function or via the " "online validator at .\n" "\t`(model, errors) = validate_sbml_model(filename)`" "\nIf the model is valid and cannot be read please open an issue " "at .") raise_from(cobra_error, original_error)
[docs]def _get_doc_from_filename(filename): """Get SBMLDocument from given filename. Parameters ---------- filename : path to SBML, or SBML string, or filehandle Returns ------- libsbml.SBMLDocument """ if isinstance(filename, string_types): if ("win" in platform) and (len(filename) < 260) \ and os.path.exists(filename): # path (win) doc = libsbml.readSBMLFromFile(filename) # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SBMLDocument elif ("win" not in platform) and os.path.exists(filename): # path other doc = libsbml.readSBMLFromFile(filename) # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SBMLDocument else: # string representation if "<sbml" not in filename: raise IOError("The file with 'filename' does not exist, " "or is not an SBML string. Provide the path to " "an existing SBML file or a valid SBML string " "representation: \n%s", filename) doc = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(filename) # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SBMLDocument elif hasattr(filename, "read"): # file handle doc = libsbml.readSBMLFromString( # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SBMLDocument else: raise CobraSBMLError("Input type '%s' for 'filename' is not supported." " Provide a path, SBML str, " "or file handle.", type(filename)) return doc
[docs]def _sbml_to_model(doc, number=float, f_replace=F_REPLACE, set_missing_bounds=False, **kwargs): """Creates cobra model from SBMLDocument. Parameters ---------- doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument number: data type of stoichiometry: {float, int} In which data type should the stoichiometry be parsed. f_replace : dict of replacement functions for id replacement set_missing_bounds : flag to set missing bounds Returns ------- cobra.core.Model """ if f_replace is None: f_replace = {} # SBML model model = doc.getModel() # type: libsbml.Model if model is None: raise CobraSBMLError("No SBML model detected in file.") model_fbc = model.getPlugin("fbc") # type: libsbml.FbcModelPlugin if not model_fbc: LOGGER.warning("Model does not contain SBML fbc package information.") else: if not model_fbc.isSetStrict(): LOGGER.warning('Loading SBML model without fbc:strict="true"') # fbc-v1 (legacy) doc_fbc = doc.getPlugin("fbc") # type: libsbml.FbcSBMLDocumentPlugin fbc_version = doc_fbc.getPackageVersion() if fbc_version == 1: LOGGER.warning("Loading SBML with fbc-v1 (models should be encoded" " using fbc-v2)") conversion_properties = libsbml.ConversionProperties() conversion_properties.addOption("convert fbc v1 to fbc v2", True, "Convert FBC-v1 model to FBC-v2") result = doc.convert(conversion_properties) if result != libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS: raise Exception("Conversion of SBML fbc v1 to fbc v2 failed") # Model model_id = model.getIdAttribute() if not libsbml.SyntaxChecker.isValidSBMLSId(model_id): LOGGER.error("'%s' is not a valid SBML 'SId'." % model_id) cobra_model = Model(model_id) = model.getName() # meta information meta = { "": model_id, "level": model.getLevel(), "version": model.getVersion(), "packages": [] } # History creators = [] created = None if model.isSetModelHistory(): history = model.getModelHistory() # type: libsbml.ModelHistory if history.isSetCreatedDate(): created = history.getCreatedDate() for c in history.getListCreators(): # type: libsbml.ModelCreator creators.append({ "familyName": c.getFamilyName() if c.isSetFamilyName() else None, "givenName": c.getGivenName() if c.isSetGivenName() else None, "organisation": c.getOrganisation() if c.isSetOrganisation() else None, "email": c.getEmail() if c.isSetEmail() else None, }) meta["creators"] = creators meta["created"] = created meta["notes"] = _parse_notes_dict(doc) meta["annotation"] = _parse_annotations(doc) info = "<{}> SBML L{}V{}".format(model_id, model.getLevel(), model.getVersion()) packages = {} for k in range(doc.getNumPlugins()): plugin = doc.getPlugin(k) # type:libsbml.SBasePlugin key, value = plugin.getPackageName(), plugin.getPackageVersion() packages[key] = value info += ", {}-v{}".format(key, value) if key not in ["fbc", "groups", "l3v2extendedmath"]: LOGGER.warning("SBML package '%s' not supported by cobrapy, " "information is not parsed", key) meta["info"] = info meta["packages"] = packages cobra_model._sbml = meta # notes and annotations cobra_model.notes = _parse_notes_dict(model) cobra_model.annotation = _parse_annotations(model) # Compartments # FIXME: update with new compartments compartments = {} for compartment in model.getListOfCompartments(): # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.Compartment cid = _check_required(compartment, compartment.getIdAttribute(), "id") compartments[cid] = compartment.getName() cobra_model.compartments = compartments # Species metabolites = [] boundary_metabolites = [] if model.getNumSpecies() == 0: LOGGER.warning("No metabolites in model") for specie in model.getListOfSpecies(): # type: libsbml.Species sid = _check_required(specie, specie.getIdAttribute(), "id") if f_replace and F_SPECIE in f_replace: sid = f_replace[F_SPECIE](sid) met = Metabolite(sid) = specie.getName() met.notes = _parse_notes_dict(specie) met.annotation = _parse_annotations(specie) met.compartment = specie.getCompartment() specie_fbc = specie.getPlugin("fbc") # type: libsbml.FbcSpeciesPlugin if specie_fbc: met.charge = specie_fbc.getCharge() met.formula = specie_fbc.getChemicalFormula() else: if specie.isSetCharge(): LOGGER.warning("Use of the species charge attribute is " "discouraged, use fbc:charge " "instead: %s", specie) met.charge = specie.getCharge() else: if 'CHARGE' in met.notes: LOGGER.warning("Use of CHARGE in the notes element is " "discouraged, use fbc:charge " "instead: %s", specie) try: met.charge = int(met.notes['CHARGE']) except ValueError: # handle nan, na, NA, ... pass if 'FORMULA' in met.notes: LOGGER.warning("Use of FORMULA in the notes element is " "discouraged, use fbc:chemicalFormula " "instead: %s", specie) met.formula = met.notes['FORMULA'] # Detect boundary metabolites if specie.getBoundaryCondition() is True: boundary_metabolites.append(met) metabolites.append(met) cobra_model.add_metabolites(metabolites) # Add exchange reactions for boundary metabolites ex_reactions = [] for met in boundary_metabolites: ex_rid = "EX_{}".format( ex_reaction = Reaction(ex_rid) = ex_rid ex_reaction.annotation = { 'sbo': SBO_EXCHANGE_REACTION } ex_reaction.lower_bound = config.lower_bound ex_reaction.upper_bound = config.upper_bound LOGGER.warning( "Adding exchange reaction %s with default bounds " "for boundary metabolite: %s." % (, ) # species is reactant ex_reaction.add_metabolites({met: -1}) ex_reactions.append(ex_reaction) cobra_model.add_reactions(ex_reactions) # Genes if model_fbc: for gp in model_fbc.getListOfGeneProducts(): # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.GeneProduct gid = _check_required(gp, gp.getIdAttribute(), "id") if f_replace and F_GENE in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GENE](gid) cobra_gene = Gene(gid) = gp.getName() if is None: = gid cobra_gene.annotation = _parse_annotations(gp) cobra_gene.notes = _parse_notes_dict(gp) cobra_model.genes.append(cobra_gene) else: for cobra_reaction in model.getListOfReactions(): # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.Reaction # fallback to notes information notes = _parse_notes_dict(cobra_reaction) if "GENE ASSOCIATION" in notes: gpr = notes['GENE ASSOCIATION'] elif "GENE_ASSOCIATION" in notes: gpr = notes['GENE_ASSOCIATION'] else: gpr = '' if len(gpr) > 0: gpr = gpr.replace("(", ";") gpr = gpr.replace(")", ";") gpr = gpr.replace("or", ";") gpr = gpr.replace("and", ";") # Interaction of the above replacements can lead to multiple # ;, which results in empty gids gids = [t.strip() for t in gpr.split(';')] gids = set(gids).difference({''}) # create missing genes for gid in gids: if f_replace and F_GENE in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GENE](gid) if gid not in cobra_model.genes: cobra_gene = Gene(gid) = gid cobra_model.genes.append(cobra_gene) # GPR rules def process_association(ass): """ Recursively convert gpr association to a gpr string. Defined as inline functions to not pass the replacement dict around. """ if ass.isFbcOr(): return " ".join( ["(", ' or '.join(process_association(c) for c in ass.getListOfAssociations()), ")"] ) elif ass.isFbcAnd(): return " ".join( ["(", ' and '.join(process_association(c) for c in ass.getListOfAssociations()), ")"]) elif ass.isGeneProductRef(): gid = ass.getGeneProduct() if f_replace and F_GENE in f_replace: return f_replace[F_GENE](gid) else: return gid # Reactions missing_bounds = False reactions = [] if model.getNumReactions() == 0: LOGGER.warning("No reactions in model") for reaction in model.getListOfReactions(): # type: libsbml.Reaction rid = _check_required(reaction, reaction.getIdAttribute(), "id") if f_replace and F_REACTION in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION](rid) cobra_reaction = Reaction(rid) = reaction.getName() cobra_reaction.annotation = _parse_annotations(reaction) cobra_reaction.notes = _parse_notes_dict(reaction) # set bounds p_ub, p_lb = None, None r_fbc = reaction.getPlugin("fbc") # type: libsbml.FbcReactionPlugin if r_fbc: # bounds in fbc lb_id = r_fbc.getLowerFluxBound() if lb_id: p_lb = model.getParameter(lb_id) # type: libsbml.Parameter if p_lb and p_lb.getConstant() and \ (p_lb.getValue() is not None): cobra_reaction.lower_bound = p_lb.getValue() else: raise CobraSBMLError("No constant bound '%s' for " "reaction: %s" % (p_lb, reaction)) ub_id = r_fbc.getUpperFluxBound() if ub_id: p_ub = model.getParameter(ub_id) # type: libsbml.Parameter if p_ub and p_ub.getConstant() and \ (p_ub.getValue() is not None): cobra_reaction.upper_bound = p_ub.getValue() else: raise CobraSBMLError("No constant bound '%s' for " "reaction: %s" % (p_ub, reaction)) elif reaction.isSetKineticLaw(): # some legacy models encode bounds in kinetic laws klaw = reaction.getKineticLaw() # type: libsbml.KineticLaw p_lb = klaw.getParameter("LOWER_BOUND") # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.LocalParameter if p_lb: cobra_reaction.lower_bound = p_lb.getValue() p_ub = klaw.getParameter("UPPER_BOUND") # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.LocalParameter if p_ub: cobra_reaction.upper_bound = p_ub.getValue() if p_ub is not None or p_lb is not None: LOGGER.warning("Encoding LOWER_BOUND and UPPER_BOUND in " "KineticLaw is discouraged, " "use fbc:fluxBounds instead: %s", reaction) if p_lb is None: missing_bounds = True lower_bound = config.lower_bound cobra_reaction.lower_bound = lower_bound LOGGER.warning("Missing lower flux bound set to '%s' for " " reaction: '%s'", lower_bound, reaction) if p_ub is None: missing_bounds = True upper_bound = config.upper_bound cobra_reaction.upper_bound = upper_bound LOGGER.warning("Missing upper flux bound set to '%s' for " " reaction: '%s'", upper_bound, reaction) # add reaction reactions.append(cobra_reaction) # parse equation stoichiometry = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for sref in reaction.getListOfReactants(): # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SpeciesReference sid = _check_required(sref, sref.getSpecies(), "species") if f_replace and F_SPECIE in f_replace: sid = f_replace[F_SPECIE](sid) stoichiometry[sid] -= number( _check_required(sref, sref.getStoichiometry(), "stoichiometry")) for sref in reaction.getListOfProducts(): # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SpeciesReference sid = _check_required(sref, sref.getSpecies(), "species") if f_replace and F_SPECIE in f_replace: sid = f_replace[F_SPECIE](sid) stoichiometry[sid] += number( _check_required(sref, sref.getStoichiometry(), "stoichiometry")) # convert to metabolite objects object_stoichiometry = {} for met_id in stoichiometry: metabolite = cobra_model.metabolites.get_by_id(met_id) object_stoichiometry[metabolite] = stoichiometry[met_id] cobra_reaction.add_metabolites(object_stoichiometry) # GPR if r_fbc: gpr = '' gpa = r_fbc.getGeneProductAssociation() # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.GeneProductAssociation if gpa is not None: association = gpa.getAssociation() # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.FbcAssociation gpr = process_association(association) else: # fallback to notes information notes = cobra_reaction.notes if "GENE ASSOCIATION" in notes: gpr = notes['GENE ASSOCIATION'] elif "GENE_ASSOCIATION" in notes: gpr = notes['GENE_ASSOCIATION'] else: gpr = '' if len(gpr) > 0: LOGGER.warning("Use of GENE ASSOCIATION or GENE_ASSOCIATION " "in the notes element is discouraged, use " "fbc:gpr instead: %s", reaction) if f_replace and F_GENE in f_replace: gpr = " ".join( f_replace[F_GENE](t) for t in gpr.split(' ') ) # remove outside parenthesis, if any if gpr.startswith("(") and gpr.endswith(")"): try: parse_gpr(gpr[1:-1].strip()) gpr = gpr[1:-1].strip() except (SyntaxError, TypeError) as e: LOGGER.warning("Removing parenthesis from gpr %s leads to " "an error, so keeping parenthesis", gpr) cobra_reaction.gene_reaction_rule = gpr cobra_model.add_reactions(reactions) # Objective obj_direction = "max" coefficients = {} if model_fbc: obj_list = model_fbc.getListOfObjectives() # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.ListOfObjectives if obj_list is None: LOGGER.warning("listOfObjectives element not found") elif obj_list.size() == 0: LOGGER.warning("No objective in listOfObjectives") elif not obj_list.getActiveObjective(): LOGGER.warning("No active objective in listOfObjectives") else: obj_id = obj_list.getActiveObjective() obj = model_fbc.getObjective(obj_id) # type: libsbml.Objective obj_direction = LONG_SHORT_DIRECTION[obj.getType()] for flux_obj in obj.getListOfFluxObjectives(): # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.FluxObjective rid = flux_obj.getReaction() if f_replace and F_REACTION in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION](rid) try: objective_reaction = cobra_model.reactions.get_by_id(rid) except KeyError: raise CobraSBMLError("Objective reaction '%s' " "not found" % rid) try: coefficients[objective_reaction] = number( flux_obj.getCoefficient() ) except ValueError as e: LOGGER.warning(str(e)) else: # some legacy models encode objective coefficients in kinetic laws for reaction in model.getListOfReactions(): # type: libsbml.Reaction if reaction.isSetKineticLaw(): klaw = reaction.getKineticLaw() # type: libsbml.KineticLaw p_oc = klaw.getParameter( "OBJECTIVE_COEFFICIENT") # type: libsbml.LocalParameter if p_oc: rid = _check_required(reaction, reaction.getIdAttribute(), "id") if f_replace and F_REACTION in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION](rid) try: objective_reaction = cobra_model.reactions.get_by_id( rid) except KeyError: raise CobraSBMLError("Objective reaction '%s' " "not found", rid) try: coefficients[objective_reaction] = number( p_oc.getValue()) except ValueError as e: LOGGER.warning(str(e)) LOGGER.warning("Encoding OBJECTIVE_COEFFICIENT in " "KineticLaw is discouraged, " "use fbc:fluxObjective " "instead: %s", reaction) if len(coefficients) == 0: LOGGER.error("No objective coefficients in model. Unclear what should " "be optimized") set_objective(cobra_model, coefficients) cobra_model.solver.objective.direction = obj_direction # parse groups model_groups = model.getPlugin("groups") # type: libsbml.GroupsModelPlugin groups = [] if model_groups: # calculate hashmaps to lookup objects in O(1) sid_map = {} metaid_map = {} for obj_list in [model.getListOfCompartments(), model.getListOfSpecies(), model.getListOfReactions(), model_groups.getListOfGroups()]: for sbase in obj_list: # type: libsbml.SBase if sbase.isSetId(): sid_map[sbase.getIdAttribute()] = sbase if sbase.isSetMetaId(): metaid_map[sbase.getMetaId()] = sbase # create groups for group in model_groups.getListOfGroups(): # type: libsbml.Group gid = _check_required(group, group.getIdAttribute(), "id") if f_replace and F_GROUP in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GROUP](gid) cobra_group = Group(gid) = group.getName() if group.isSetKind(): cobra_group.kind = group.getKindAsString() cobra_group.annotation = _parse_annotations(group) cobra_group.notes = _parse_notes_dict(group) cobra_members = [] for member in group.getListOfMembers(): # type: libsbml.Member if member.isSetIdRef(): obj = sid_map[member.getIdRef()] elif member.isSetMetaIdRef(): obj = metaid_map[member.getMetaIdRef()] typecode = obj.getTypeCode() obj_id = _check_required(obj, obj.getIdAttribute(), "id") # id replacements cobra_member = None if typecode == libsbml.SBML_SPECIES: if f_replace and F_SPECIE in f_replace: obj_id = f_replace[F_SPECIE](obj_id) cobra_member = cobra_model.metabolites.get_by_id(obj_id) elif typecode == libsbml.SBML_REACTION: if f_replace and F_REACTION in f_replace: obj_id = f_replace[F_REACTION](obj_id) cobra_member = cobra_model.reactions.get_by_id(obj_id) elif typecode == libsbml.SBML_FBC_GENEPRODUCT: if f_replace and F_GENE in f_replace: obj_id = f_replace[F_GENE](obj_id) cobra_member = cobra_model.genes.get_by_id(obj_id) else: LOGGER.warning("Member %s could not be added to group %s." "unsupported type code: " "%s" % (member, group, typecode)) if cobra_member: cobra_members.append(cobra_member) cobra_group.add_members(cobra_members) groups.append(cobra_group) else: # parse deprecated subsystems on reactions groups_dict = {} for cobra_reaction in cobra_model.reactions: if "SUBSYSTEM" in cobra_reaction.notes: g_name = cobra_reaction.notes["SUBSYSTEM"] if g_name in groups_dict: groups_dict[g_name].append(cobra_reaction) else: groups_dict[g_name] = [cobra_reaction] for gid, cobra_members in groups_dict.items(): if f_replace and F_GROUP in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GROUP](gid) cobra_group = Group(gid, name=gid, kind="collection") cobra_group.add_members(cobra_members) groups.append(cobra_group) cobra_model.add_groups(groups) # general hint for missing flux bounds if missing_bounds: LOGGER.warning( "Missing flux bounds on reactions set to default bounds." "As best practise and to avoid confusion flux bounds " "should be set explicitly on all reactions." ) return cobra_model
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write SBML # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def write_sbml_model(cobra_model, filename, f_replace=F_REPLACE, **kwargs): """Writes cobra model to filename. The created model is SBML level 3 version 1 (L1V3) with fbc package v2 (fbc-v2). If the given filename ends with the suffix ".gz" (for example, "myfile.xml.gz"), libSBML assumes the caller wants the file to be written compressed in gzip format. Similarly, if the given filename ends with ".zip" or ".bz2", libSBML assumes the caller wants the file to be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively). Files whose names lack these suffixes will be written uncompressed. Special considerations for the zip format: If the given filename ends with ".zip", the file placed in the zip archive will have the suffix ".xml" or ".sbml". For example, the file in the zip archive will be named "test.xml" if the given filename is "" or "". Similarly, the filename in the archive will be "test.sbml" if the given filename is "". Parameters ---------- cobra_model : cobra.core.Model Model instance which is written to SBML filename : string path to which the model is written f_replace: dict of replacement functions for id replacement """ doc = _model_to_sbml(cobra_model, f_replace=f_replace, **kwargs) if isinstance(filename, string_types): # write to path libsbml.writeSBMLToFile(doc, filename) elif hasattr(filename, "write"): # write to file handle sbml_str = libsbml.writeSBMLToString(doc) filename.write(sbml_str)
[docs]def _model_to_sbml(cobra_model, f_replace=None, units=True): """Convert Cobra model to SBMLDocument. Parameters ---------- cobra_model : cobra.core.Model Cobra model instance f_replace : dict of replacement functions Replacement to apply on identifiers. units : boolean Should the FLUX_UNITS be written in the SBMLDocument. Returns ------- libsbml.SBMLDocument """ if f_replace is None: f_replace = {} sbml_ns = libsbml.SBMLNamespaces(3, 1) # SBML L3V1 sbml_ns.addPackageNamespace("fbc", 2) # fbc-v2 doc = libsbml.SBMLDocument(sbml_ns) # type: libsbml.SBMLDocument doc.setPackageRequired("fbc", False) doc.setSBOTerm(SBO_FBA_FRAMEWORK) model = doc.createModel() # type: libsbml.Model model_fbc = model.getPlugin("fbc") # type: libsbml.FbcModelPlugin model_fbc.setStrict(True) if is not None: model.setId( model.setMetaId("meta_" + else: model.setMetaId("meta_model") if is not None: model.setName( # for parsing annotation corresponding to the model _sbase_annotations(model, cobra_model.annotation) # for parsing notes corresponding to the model _sbase_notes_dict(model, cobra_model.notes) # Meta information (ModelHistory) related to SBMLDocument if hasattr(cobra_model, "_sbml"): meta = cobra_model._sbml if "annotation" in meta: _sbase_annotations(doc, meta["annotation"]) if "notes" in meta: _sbase_notes_dict(doc, meta["notes"]) history = libsbml.ModelHistory() # type: libsbml.ModelHistory if "created" in meta and meta["created"]: history.setCreatedDate(meta["created"]) else: time = timestr = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') date = libsbml.Date(timestr) _check(history.setCreatedDate(date), 'set creation date') _check(history.setModifiedDate(date), 'set modified date') if "creators" in meta: for cobra_creator in meta["creators"]: # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.ModelCreator creator = libsbml.ModelCreator() if cobra_creator.get("familyName", None): creator.setFamilyName(cobra_creator["familyName"]) if cobra_creator.get("givenName", None): creator.setGivenName(cobra_creator["givenName"]) if cobra_creator.get("organisation", None): creator.setOrganisation(cobra_creator["organisation"]) if cobra_creator.get("email", None): creator.setEmail(cobra_creator["email"]) _check(history.addCreator(creator), "adding creator to ModelHistory.") # TODO: Will be implemented as part of # # _check(model.setModelHistory(history), 'set model history') # Units if units: flux_udef = model.createUnitDefinition() # type:libsbml.UnitDefinition flux_udef.setId(UNITS_FLUX[0]) for u in UNITS_FLUX[1]: unit = flux_udef.createUnit() # type: libsbml.Unit unit.setKind(u.kind) unit.setExponent(u.exponent) unit.setScale(u.scale) unit.setMultiplier(u.multiplier) # minimum and maximum value from model if len(cobra_model.reactions) > 0: min_value = min(cobra_model.reactions.list_attr("lower_bound")) max_value = max(cobra_model.reactions.list_attr("upper_bound")) else: min_value = config.lower_bound max_value = config.upper_bound _create_parameter(model, pid=LOWER_BOUND_ID, value=min_value, sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND) _create_parameter(model, pid=UPPER_BOUND_ID, value=max_value, sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND) _create_parameter(model, pid=ZERO_BOUND_ID, value=0, sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND) _create_parameter(model, pid=BOUND_MINUS_INF, value=-float("Inf"), sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND) _create_parameter(model, pid=BOUND_PLUS_INF, value=float("Inf"), sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND) # Compartments # FIXME: use first class compartment model (and write notes & annotations) # ( for cid, name in iteritems(cobra_model.compartments): compartment = model.createCompartment() # type: libsbml.Compartment compartment.setId(cid) compartment.setName(name) compartment.setConstant(True) # FIXME: write annotations and notes # _sbase_notes(c, com.notes) # _sbase_annotations(c, com.annotation) # Species for metabolite in cobra_model.metabolites: specie = model.createSpecies() # type: libsbml.Species mid = if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: mid = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](mid) specie.setId(mid) specie.setConstant(False) specie.setBoundaryCondition(False) specie.setHasOnlySubstanceUnits(False) specie.setName( specie.setCompartment(metabolite.compartment) s_fbc = specie.getPlugin("fbc") # type: libsbml.FbcSpeciesPlugin if metabolite.charge is not None: s_fbc.setCharge(metabolite.charge) if metabolite.formula is not None: s_fbc.setChemicalFormula(metabolite.formula) _sbase_annotations(specie, metabolite.annotation) _sbase_notes_dict(specie, metabolite.notes) # Genes for cobra_gene in cobra_model.genes: gp = model_fbc.createGeneProduct() # type: libsbml.GeneProduct gid = if f_replace and F_GENE_REV in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GENE_REV](gid) gp.setId(gid) gname = if gname is None or len(gname) == 0: gname = gid gp.setName(gname) gp.setLabel(gid) _sbase_annotations(gp, cobra_gene.annotation) _sbase_notes_dict(gp, cobra_gene.notes) # Objective objective = model_fbc.createObjective() # type: libsbml.Objective objective.setId("obj") objective.setType(SHORT_LONG_DIRECTION[cobra_model.objective.direction]) model_fbc.setActiveObjectiveId("obj") # Reactions reaction_coefficients = linear_reaction_coefficients(cobra_model) for cobra_reaction in cobra_model.reactions: rid = if f_replace and F_REACTION_REV in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION_REV](rid) reaction = model.createReaction() # type: libsbml.Reaction reaction.setId(rid) reaction.setName( reaction.setFast(False) reaction.setReversible((cobra_reaction.lower_bound < 0)) _sbase_annotations(reaction, cobra_reaction.annotation) _sbase_notes_dict(reaction, cobra_reaction.notes) # stoichiometry for metabolite, stoichiometry in iteritems( cobra_reaction._metabolites): sid = if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: sid = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](sid) if stoichiometry < 0: sref = reaction.createReactant() # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SpeciesReference sref.setSpecies(sid) sref.setStoichiometry(-stoichiometry) sref.setConstant(True) else: sref = reaction.createProduct() # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.SpeciesReference sref.setSpecies(sid) sref.setStoichiometry(stoichiometry) sref.setConstant(True) # bounds r_fbc = reaction.getPlugin("fbc") # type: libsbml.FbcReactionPlugin r_fbc.setLowerFluxBound(_create_bound(model, cobra_reaction, "lower_bound", f_replace=f_replace, units=units, flux_udef=flux_udef)) r_fbc.setUpperFluxBound(_create_bound(model, cobra_reaction, "upper_bound", f_replace=f_replace, units=units, flux_udef=flux_udef)) # GPR gpr = cobra_reaction.gene_reaction_rule if gpr is not None and len(gpr) > 0: # replace ids in string if f_replace and F_GENE_REV in f_replace: gpr = gpr.replace('(', '( ') gpr = gpr.replace(')', ' )') tokens = gpr.split() for k in range(len(tokens)): if tokens[k] not in ['and', 'or', '(', ')']: tokens[k] = f_replace[F_GENE_REV](tokens[k]) gpr_new = " ".join(tokens) else: gpr_new = gpr gpa = r_fbc.createGeneProductAssociation() # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.GeneProductAssociation # uses ids to identify GeneProducts (True), # does not create GeneProducts (False) _check(gpa.setAssociation(gpr_new, True, False), "set gpr: " + gpr_new) # objective coefficients if reaction_coefficients.get(cobra_reaction, 0) != 0: flux_obj = objective.createFluxObjective() # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.FluxObjective flux_obj.setReaction(rid) flux_obj.setCoefficient(cobra_reaction.objective_coefficient) # write groups if len(cobra_model.groups) > 0: doc.enablePackage( "", "groups", True) doc.setPackageRequired("groups", False) model_group = model.getPlugin("groups") # noqa: E501 type: libsbml.GroupsModelPlugin for cobra_group in cobra_model.groups: group = model_group.createGroup() # type: libsbml.Group if f_replace and F_GROUP_REV in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GROUP_REV]( else: gid = group.setId(gid) group.setName( group.setKind(cobra_group.kind) _sbase_notes_dict(group, cobra_group.notes) _sbase_annotations(group, cobra_group.annotation) for cobra_member in cobra_group.members: member = group.createMember() # type: libsbml.Member mid = m_type = str(type(cobra_member)) # id replacements if "Reaction" in m_type: if f_replace and F_REACTION_REV in f_replace: mid = f_replace[F_REACTION_REV](mid) if "Metabolite" in m_type: if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: mid = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](mid) if "Gene" in m_type: if f_replace and F_GENE_REV in f_replace: mid = f_replace[F_GENE_REV](mid) member.setIdRef(mid) if and len( > 0: member.setName( return doc
[docs]def _create_bound(model, reaction, bound_type, f_replace, units=None, flux_udef=None): """Creates bound in model for given reaction. Adds the parameters for the bounds to the SBML model. Parameters ---------- model : libsbml.Model SBML model instance reaction : cobra.core.Reaction Cobra reaction instance from which the bounds are read. bound_type : {LOWER_BOUND, UPPER_BOUND} Type of bound f_replace : dict of id replacement functions units : flux units Returns ------- Id of bound parameter. """ value = getattr(reaction, bound_type) if value == config.lower_bound: return LOWER_BOUND_ID elif value == 0: return ZERO_BOUND_ID elif value == config.upper_bound: return UPPER_BOUND_ID elif value == -float("Inf"): return BOUND_MINUS_INF elif value == float("Inf"): return BOUND_PLUS_INF else: # new parameter rid = if f_replace and F_REACTION_REV in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION_REV](rid) pid = rid + "_" + bound_type _create_parameter(model, pid=pid, value=value, sbo=SBO_FLUX_BOUND, units=units, flux_udef=flux_udef) return pid
[docs]def _create_parameter(model, pid, value, sbo=None, constant=True, units=None, flux_udef=None): """Create parameter in SBML model.""" parameter = model.createParameter() # type: libsbml.Parameter parameter.setId(pid) parameter.setValue(value) parameter.setConstant(constant) if sbo: parameter.setSBOTerm(sbo) if units: parameter.setUnits(flux_udef.getId())
[docs]def _check_required(sbase, value, attribute): """Get required attribute from SBase. Parameters ---------- sbase : libsbml.SBase value : existing value attribute: name of attribute Returns ------- attribute value (or value if already set) """ if (value is None) or (value == ""): msg = "Required attribute '%s' cannot be found or parsed in " \ "'%s'." % (attribute, sbase) if hasattr(sbase, "getId") and sbase.getId(): msg += " with id '%s'" % sbase.getId() elif hasattr(sbase, "getName") and sbase.getName(): msg += " with name '%s'" % sbase.getName() elif hasattr(sbase, "getMetaId") and sbase.getMetaId(): msg += " with metaId '%s'" % sbase.getName() raise CobraSBMLError(msg) if attribute == "id": if not libsbml.SyntaxChecker.isValidSBMLSId(value): LOGGER.error("'%s' is not a valid SBML 'SId'." % value) return value
[docs]def _check(value, message): """ Checks the libsbml return value and logs error messages. If 'value' is None, logs an error message constructed using 'message' and then exits with status code 1. If 'value' is an integer, it assumes it is a libSBML return status code. If the code value is LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, returns without further action; if it is not, prints an error message constructed using 'message' along with text from libSBML explaining the meaning of the code, and exits with status code 1. """ if value is None: LOGGER.error('Error: LibSBML returned a null value trying ' 'to <' + message + '>.') elif type(value) is int: if value == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS: return else: LOGGER.error('Error encountered trying to <' + message + '>.') LOGGER.error('LibSBML error code {}: {}'. format(str(value), libsbml.OperationReturnValue_toString( value).strip())) else: return
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Notes # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def _parse_notes_dict(sbase): """ Creates dictionary of COBRA notes. Parameters ---------- sbase : libsbml.SBase Returns ------- dict of notes """ notes = sbase.getNotesString() if notes and len(notes) > 0: notes_store = dict() for match in pattern_notes.finditer(notes): try: # Python 2.7 does not allow keywords for split. # Python 3 can have (":", maxsplit=1) key, value ="content").split(":", 1) except ValueError: LOGGER.debug("Unexpected content format '{}'.","content")) continue notes_store[key.strip()] = value.strip() return {k: v for k, v in notes_store.items() if len(v) > 0} else: return {}
[docs]def _sbase_notes_dict(sbase, notes): """Set SBase notes based on dictionary. Parameters ---------- sbase : libsbml.SBase SBML object to set notes on notes : notes object notes information from cobra object """ if notes and len(notes) > 0: tokens = ['<html xmlns = "" >'] + \ ["<p>{}: {}</p>".format(k, v) for (k, v) in notes.items()] + \ ["</html>"] _check( sbase.setNotes("\n".join(tokens)), "Setting notes on sbase: {}".format(sbase)
) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Annotations # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ cobra annotations will be dictionaries of the form: object.annotation = { 'provider' : [(qualifier, entity), ...] } A concrete example for a metabolite would look like the following metabolite.annotation = { 'chebi': [(isVersionOf, "CHEBI:17234), (is, "CHEBI:4167),], 'kegg.compound': [(is, "C00031")] } The providers are hereby MIRIAM registry keys for collections The qualifiers are biomodel qualifiers In the current stage the new annotation format is not completely supported yet. """
[docs]URL_IDENTIFIERS_PATTERN = re.compile( r"^https?://[:/](.+)")
[docs]QUALIFIER_TYPES = { "is": libsbml.BQB_IS, "hasPart": libsbml.BQB_HAS_PART, "isPartOf": libsbml.BQB_IS_PART_OF, "isVersionOf": libsbml.BQB_IS_VERSION_OF, "hasVersion": libsbml.BQB_HAS_VERSION, "isHomologTo": libsbml.BQB_IS_HOMOLOG_TO, "isDescribedBy": libsbml.BQB_IS_DESCRIBED_BY, "isEncodedBy": libsbml.BQB_IS_ENCODED_BY, "encodes": libsbml.BQB_ENCODES, "occursIn": libsbml.BQB_OCCURS_IN, "hasProperty": libsbml.BQB_HAS_PROPERTY, "isPropertyOf": libsbml.BQB_IS_PROPERTY_OF, "hasTaxon": libsbml.BQB_HAS_TAXON, "unknown": libsbml.BQB_UNKNOWN, "bqm_is": libsbml.BQM_IS, "bqm_isDescribedBy": libsbml.BQM_IS_DESCRIBED_BY, "bqm_isDerivedFrom": libsbml.BQM_IS_DERIVED_FROM, "bqm_isInstanceOf": libsbml.BQM_IS_INSTANCE_OF, "bqm_hasInstance": libsbml.BQM_HAS_INSTANCE, "bqm_unknown": libsbml.BQM_UNKNOWN,
[docs]def _parse_annotations(sbase): """Parses cobra annotations from a given SBase object. Annotations are dictionaries with the providers as keys. Parameters ---------- sbase : libsbml.SBase SBase from which the SBML annotations are read Returns ------- dict (annotation dictionary) FIXME: annotation format must be updated (this is a big collection of fixes) - see: """ annotation = {} # SBO term if sbase.isSetSBOTerm(): # FIXME: correct handling of annotations annotation["sbo"] = sbase.getSBOTermID() # RDF annotation cvterms = sbase.getCVTerms() if cvterms is None: return annotation for cvterm in cvterms: # type: libsbml.CVTerm for k in range(cvterm.getNumResources()): # FIXME: read and store the qualifier uri = cvterm.getResourceURI(k) data = _parse_annotation_info(uri) if data is None: continue else: provider, identifier = data if provider in annotation: if isinstance(annotation[provider], string_types): annotation[provider] = [annotation[provider]] # FIXME: use a list if identifier not in annotation[provider]: annotation[provider].append(identifier) else: # FIXME: always in list annotation[provider] = identifier return annotation
[docs]def _parse_annotation_info(uri): """Parses provider and term from given identifiers annotation uri. Parameters ---------- uri : str uri ( url) Returns ------- (provider, identifier) if resolvable, None otherwise """ match = URL_IDENTIFIERS_PATTERN.match(uri) if match: provider, identifier =, if provider.isupper(): identifier = "%s:%s" % (provider, identifier) provider = provider.lower() else: LOGGER.warning("%s does not conform to " "'http(s)://' or" "'http(s)://", uri) return None return provider, identifier
[docs]def _sbase_annotations(sbase, annotation): """Set SBase annotations based on cobra annotations. Parameters ---------- sbase : libsbml.SBase SBML object to annotate annotation : cobra annotation structure cobra object with annotation information FIXME: annotation format must be updated ( """ if not annotation or len(annotation) == 0: return # standardize annotations annotation_data = deepcopy(annotation) for key, value in annotation_data.items(): # handling of non-string annotations (e.g. integers) if isinstance(value, (float, int)): value = str(value) if isinstance(value, string_types): annotation_data[key] = [("is", value)] for key, value in annotation_data.items(): for idx, item in enumerate(value): if isinstance(item, string_types): value[idx] = ("is", item) # set metaId meta_id = "meta_{}".format(sbase.getId()) sbase.setMetaId(meta_id) # rdf_items = [] for provider, data in iteritems(annotation_data): # set SBOTerm if provider in ["SBO", "sbo"]: if provider == "SBO": LOGGER.warning("'SBO' provider is deprecated, " "use 'sbo' provider instead") sbo_term = data[0][1] _check(sbase.setSBOTerm(sbo_term), "Setting SBOTerm: {}".format(sbo_term)) # FIXME: sbo should also be written as CVTerm continue for item in data: qualifier_str, entity = item[0], item[1] qualifier = QUALIFIER_TYPES.get(qualifier_str, None) if qualifier is None: qualifier = libsbml.BQB_IS LOGGER.error("Qualifier type is not supported on " "annotation: '{}'".format(qualifier_str)) qualifier_type = libsbml.BIOLOGICAL_QUALIFIER if qualifier_str.startswith("bqm_"): qualifier_type = libsbml.MODEL_QUALIFIER cv = libsbml.CVTerm() # type: libsbml.CVTerm cv.setQualifierType(qualifier_type) if qualifier_type == libsbml.BIOLOGICAL_QUALIFIER: cv.setBiologicalQualifierType(qualifier) elif qualifier_type == libsbml.MODEL_QUALIFIER: cv.setModelQualifierType(qualifier) else: raise CobraSBMLError('Unsupported qualifier: ' '%s' % qualifier) resource = "%s/%s/%s" % (URL_IDENTIFIERS_PREFIX, provider, entity) cv.addResource(resource) _check(sbase.addCVTerm(cv), "Setting cvterm: {}, resource: {}".format(cv, resource))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validation # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def validate_sbml_model(filename, check_model=True, internal_consistency=True, check_units_consistency=False, check_modeling_practice=False, **kwargs): """Validate SBML model and returns the model along with a list of errors. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename (or SBML string) of the SBML model to be validated. internal_consistency: boolean {True, False} Check internal consistency. check_units_consistency: boolean {True, False} Check consistency of units. check_modeling_practice: boolean {True, False} Check modeling practise. check_model: boolean {True, False} Whether to also check some basic model properties such as reaction boundaries and compartment formulas. Returns ------- (model, errors) model : :class:`~cobra.core.Model.Model` object The cobra model if the file could be read successfully or None otherwise. errors : dict Warnings and errors grouped by their respective types. Raises ------ CobraSBMLError """ # Errors and warnings are grouped based on their type. SBML_* types are # from the libsbml validator. COBRA_* types are from the cobrapy SBML # parser. keys = ( "SBML_FATAL", "SBML_ERROR", "SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR", "SBML_WARNING", "COBRA_FATAL", "COBRA_ERROR", "COBRA_WARNING", "COBRA_CHECK", ) errors = {key: [] for key in keys} # [1] libsbml validation doc = _get_doc_from_filename(filename) # type: libsbml.SBMLDocument # set checking of units & modeling practise doc.setConsistencyChecks(libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_UNITS_CONSISTENCY, check_units_consistency) doc.setConsistencyChecks(libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_MODELING_PRACTICE, check_modeling_practice) # check internal consistency if internal_consistency: doc.checkInternalConsistency() doc.checkConsistency() for k in range(doc.getNumErrors()): e = doc.getError(k) # type: libsbml.SBMLError msg = _error_string(e, k=k) sev = e.getSeverity() if sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_FATAL: errors["SBML_FATAL"].append(msg) elif sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR: errors["SBML_ERROR"].append(msg) elif sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_SCHEMA_ERROR: errors["SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR"].append(msg) elif sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_WARNING: errors["SBML_WARNING"].append(msg) # [2] cobrapy validation (check that SBML can be read into model) # all warnings generated while loading will be logged as errors log_stream = StringIO() stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(log_stream) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s:%(message)s') stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) LOGGER.addHandler(stream_handler) LOGGER.propagate = False try: # read model and allow additional parser arguments model = _sbml_to_model(doc, **kwargs) except CobraSBMLError as e: errors["COBRA_ERROR"].append(str(e)) return None, errors except Exception as e: errors["COBRA_FATAL"].append(str(e)) return None, errors cobra_errors = log_stream.getvalue().split("\n") for cobra_error in cobra_errors: tokens = cobra_error.split(":") error_type = tokens[0] error_msg = ":".join(tokens[1:]) if error_type == "WARNING": errors["COBRA_WARNING"].append(error_msg) elif error_type == "ERROR": errors["COBRA_ERROR"].append(error_msg) # remove stream handler LOGGER.removeHandler(stream_handler) LOGGER.propagate = True # [3] additional model tests if check_model: errors["COBRA_CHECK"].extend( check_metabolite_compartment_formula(model) ) for key in ["SBML_FATAL", "SBML_ERROR", "SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR"]: if len(errors[key]) > 0: LOGGER.error("SBML errors in validation, check error log " "for details.") break for key in ["SBML_WARNING"]: if len(errors[key]) > 0: LOGGER.error("SBML warnings in validation, check error log " "for details.") break for key in ["COBRA_FATAL", "COBRA_ERROR"]: if len(errors[key]) > 0: LOGGER.error("COBRA errors in validation, check error log " "for details.") break for key in ["COBRA_WARNING", "COBRA_CHECK"]: if len(errors[key]) > 0: LOGGER.error("COBRA warnings in validation, check error log " "for details.") break return model, errors
[docs]def _error_string(error, k=None): """String representation of SBMLError. Parameters ---------- error : libsbml.SBMLError k : index of error Returns ------- string representation of error """ package = error.getPackage() if package == '': package = 'core' template = 'E{} ({}): {} ({}, L{}); {}; {}' error_str = template.format(k, error.getSeverityAsString(), error.getCategoryAsString(), package, error.getLine(), error.getShortMessage(), error.getMessage()) return error_str