Source code for scripts.publish_release

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Insert a TOML header into the latest release note."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import sys
from datetime import date
from glob import glob
from builtins import open
from os.path import join, basename
from shutil import copy

[docs]def insert_break(lines, break_pos=9): """ Insert a <!--more--> tag for larger release notes. Parameters ---------- lines : list of str The content of the release note. break_pos : int Line number before which a break should approximately be inserted. Returns ------- list of str The text with the inserted tag or no modification if it was sufficiently short. """ def line_filter(line): if len(line) == 0: return True return any(line.startswith(c) for c in "-*+") if len(lines) <= break_pos: return lines newlines = [ i for i, line in enumerate(lines[break_pos:], start=break_pos) if line_filter(line.strip())] if len(newlines) > 0: break_pos = newlines[0] lines.insert(break_pos, "<!--more-->\n") return lines
[docs]def build_hugo_md(filename, tag, bump): """ Build the markdown release notes for Hugo. Inserts the required TOML header with specific values and adds a break for long release notes. Parameters ---------- filename : str, path The release notes file. tag : str The tag, following semantic versioning, of the current release. bump : {"major", "minor", "patch", "alpha", "beta"} The type of release. """ header = [ '+++\n', 'date = "{}"\n'.format(, 'title = "{}"\n'.format(tag), 'author = "The COBRApy Team"\n', 'release = "{}"\n'.format(bump), '+++\n', '\n' ] with open(filename, "r") as file_h: content = insert_break(file_h.readlines()) header.extend(content) with open(filename, "w") as file_h: file_h.writelines(header)
[docs]def intify(filename): """ Turn a release note filename into something sortable. Parameters ---------- filename : str A release note of expected filename format '<major>.<minor>.<patch>.md'. Returns ------- tuple A pair of the major and minor versions as integers. """ tmp = filename[:-3].split(".") return int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1])
[docs]def find_bump(target, tag): """Identify the kind of release by comparing to existing ones.""" tmp = tag.split(".") existing = [intify(basename(f)) for f in glob(join(target, "[0-9]*.md"))] latest = max(existing) if int(tmp[0]) > latest[0]: return "major" elif int(tmp[1]) > latest[1]: return "minor" else: return "patch"
[docs]def main(argv): """ Identify the release type and create a new target file with TOML header. Requires three arguments. """ source, target, tag = argv if "a" in tag: bump = "alpha" if "b" in tag: bump = "beta" else: bump = find_bump(target, tag) filename = "{}.md".format(tag) destination = copy(join(source, filename), target) build_hugo_md(destination, tag, bump)
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Usage:\n{} <source dir> <target dir> <tag>" "".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(2) sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))