Source code for cobra.flux_analysis.sampling

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Module implementing flux sampling for cobra models.

New samplers should derive from the abstract `HRSampler` class
where possible to provide a uniform interface.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import ctypes
from collections import namedtuple
from logging import getLogger
from multiprocessing import Array, Pool
from time import time

import numpy as np
import pandas
from optlang.interface import OPTIMAL
from optlang.symbolics import Zero
from cobra.util import (create_stoichiometric_matrix, constraint_matrices,

LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)
"""The logger for the package."""

bounds_tol = 1e-6
"""The tolerance used for checking bounds feasibility."""

feasibility_tol = 1e-6
"""The tolerance used for checking equalities feasibility."""

max_tries = 100
"""Maximum number of retries for sampling."""

Problem = namedtuple("Problem",
                     ["equalities", "b", "inequalities", "bounds",
                      "variable_fixed", "variable_bounds", "nullspace",
"""Defines the matrix representation of a sampling problem.

equalities : numpy.array
    All equality constraints in the model.
b : numpy.array
    The right side of the equality constraints.
inequalities : numpy.array
    All inequality constraints in the model.
bounds : numpy.array
    The lower and upper bounds for the inequality constraints.
variable_bounds : numpy.array
    The lower and upper bounds for the variables.
homogeneous: boolean
    Indicates whether the sampling problem is homogenous, e.g. whether there
    exist no non-zero fixed variables or constraints.
nullspace : numpy.matrix
    A matrix containing the nullspace of the equality constraints. Each column
    is one basis vector.

[docs]def mp_init(obj): """Initialize the multiprocessing pool.""" global sampler sampler = obj
[docs]def shared_np_array(shape, data=None, integer=False): """Create a new numpy array that resides in shared memory. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of ints The shape of the new array. data : numpy.array Data to copy to the new array. Has to have the same shape. integer : boolean Whether to use an integer array. Defaults to False which means float array. """ size = if integer: array = Array(ctypes.c_int64, int(size)) np_array = np.frombuffer(array.get_obj(), dtype="int64") else: array = Array(ctypes.c_double, int(size)) np_array = np.frombuffer(array.get_obj()) np_array = np_array.reshape(shape) if data is not None: if len(shape) != len(data.shape): raise ValueError("`data` must have the same dimensions" "as the created array.") same = all(x == y for x, y in zip(shape, data.shape)) if not same: raise ValueError("`data` must have the same shape" "as the created array.") np_array[:] = data return np_array
# Has to be declared outside of class to be used for multiprocessing :(
[docs]def _step(sampler, x, delta, fraction=None, tries=0): """Sample a new feasible point from the point `x` in direction `delta`.""" prob = sampler.problem valid = ((np.abs(delta) > feasibility_tol) & np.logical_not(prob.variable_fixed)) # permissible alphas for staying in variable bounds valphas = ((1.0 - bounds_tol) * prob.variable_bounds - x)[:, valid] valphas = (valphas / delta[valid]).flatten() if prob.bounds.shape[0] > 0: # permissible alphas for staying in constraint bounds ineqs = valid = np.abs(ineqs) > feasibility_tol balphas = ((1.0 - bounds_tol) * prob.bounds -[:, valid] balphas = (balphas / ineqs[valid]).flatten() # combined alphas alphas = np.hstack([valphas, balphas]) else: alphas = valphas pos_alphas = alphas[alphas > 0.0] neg_alphas = alphas[alphas <= 0.0] alpha_range = np.array([neg_alphas.max() if len(neg_alphas) > 0 else 0, pos_alphas.min() if len(pos_alphas) > 0 else 0]) if fraction: alpha = alpha_range[0] + fraction * (alpha_range[1] - alpha_range[0]) else: alpha = np.random.uniform(alpha_range[0], alpha_range[1]) p = x + alpha * delta # Numerical instabilities may cause bounds invalidation # reset sampler and sample from one of the original warmup directions # if that occurs. Also reset if we got stuck. if (np.any(sampler._bounds_dist(p) < -bounds_tol) or np.abs(np.abs(alpha_range).max() * delta).max() < bounds_tol): if tries > max_tries: raise RuntimeError("Can not escape sampling region, model seems" " numerically unstable :( Reporting the " "model to " " " "will help us to fix this :)")"found bounds infeasibility in sample, " "resetting to center") newdir = sampler.warmup[np.random.randint(sampler.n_warmup)] sampler.retries += 1 return _step(sampler,, newdir -, None, tries + 1) return p
[docs]class HRSampler(object): """The abstract base class for hit-and-run samplers. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The cobra model from which to generate samples. thinning : int The thinning factor of the generated sampling chain. A thinning of 10 means samples are returned every 10 steps. nproj : int > 0, optional How often to reproject the sampling point into the feasibility space. Avoids numerical issues at the cost of lower sampling. If you observe many equality constraint violations with `sampler.validate` you should lower this number. seed : int > 0, optional The random number seed that should be used. Attributes ---------- model : cobra.Model The cobra model from which the samples get generated. thinning : int The currently used thinning factor. n_samples : int The total number of samples that have been generated by this sampler instance. retries : int The overall of sampling retries the sampler has observed. Larger values indicate numerical instabilities. problem : collections.namedtuple A python object whose attributes define the entire sampling problem in matrix form. See docstring of `Problem`. warmup : a numpy matrix A matrix of with as many columns as reactions in the model and more than 3 rows containing a warmup sample in each row. None if no warmup points have been generated yet. nproj : int How often to reproject the sampling point into the feasibility space. seed : positive integer, optional Sets the random number seed. Initialized to the current time stamp if None. fwd_idx : np.array Has one entry for each reaction in the model containing the index of the respective forward variable. rev_idx : np.array Has one entry for each reaction in the model containing the index of the respective reverse variable. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, thinning, nproj=None, seed=None): """Initialize a new sampler object.""" # This currently has to be done to reset the solver basis which is # required to get deterministic warmup point generation # (in turn required for a working `seed` arg) if model.solver.is_integer: raise TypeError("sampling does not work with integer problems :(") self.model = model.copy() self.thinning = thinning if nproj is None: self.nproj = int(min(len(self.model.variables)**3, 1e6)) else: self.nproj = nproj self.n_samples = 0 self.retries = 0 self.problem = self.__build_problem() # Set up a map from reaction -> forward/reverse variable var_idx = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(model.variables)} self.fwd_idx = np.array([var_idx[r.forward_variable] for r in model.reactions]) self.rev_idx = np.array([var_idx[r.reverse_variable] for r in model.reactions]) self.warmup = None if seed is None: self._seed = int(time()) else: self._seed = seed # Avoid overflow self._seed = self._seed % np.iinfo(np.int32).max
def __build_problem(self): """Build the matrix representation of the sampling problem.""" # Set up the mathematical problem prob = constraint_matrices(self.model, zero_tol=feasibility_tol) # check if there any non-zero equality constraints equalities = prob.equalities b = prob.b bounds = np.atleast_2d(prob.bounds).T var_bounds = np.atleast_2d(prob.variable_bounds).T homogeneous = all(np.abs(b) < feasibility_tol) fixed_non_zero = np.abs(prob.variable_bounds[:, 1]) > feasibility_tol fixed_non_zero &= prob.variable_fixed # check if there are any non-zero fixed variables, add them as # equalities to the stoichiometric matrix if any(fixed_non_zero): n_fixed = fixed_non_zero.sum() rows = np.zeros((n_fixed, prob.equalities.shape[1])) rows[range(n_fixed), np.where(fixed_non_zero)] = 1.0 equalities = np.vstack([equalities, rows]) var_b = prob.variable_bounds[:, 1] b = np.hstack([b, var_b[fixed_non_zero]]) homogeneous = False # Set up a projection that can cast point into the nullspace nulls = nullspace(equalities) # convert bounds to a matrix and add variable bounds as well return Problem( equalities=shared_np_array(equalities.shape, equalities), b=shared_np_array(b.shape, b), inequalities=shared_np_array(prob.inequalities.shape, prob.inequalities), bounds=shared_np_array(bounds.shape, bounds), variable_fixed=shared_np_array(prob.variable_fixed.shape, prob.variable_fixed, integer=True), variable_bounds=shared_np_array(var_bounds.shape, var_bounds), nullspace=shared_np_array(nulls.shape, nulls), homogeneous=homogeneous )
[docs] def generate_fva_warmup(self): """Generate the warmup points for the sampler. Generates warmup points by setting each flux as the sole objective and minimizing/maximizing it. Also caches the projection of the warmup points into the nullspace for non-homogeneous problems (only if necessary). """ self.n_warmup = 0 reactions = self.model.reactions self.warmup = np.zeros((2 * len(reactions), len(self.model.variables))) self.model.objective = Zero for sense in ("min", "max"): self.model.objective_direction = sense for i, r in enumerate(reactions): variables = (self.model.variables[self.fwd_idx[i]], self.model.variables[self.rev_idx[i]]) # Omit fixed reactions if they are non-homogeneous if r.upper_bound - r.lower_bound < bounds_tol:"skipping fixed reaction %s" % continue self.model.objective.set_linear_coefficients( {variables[0]: 1, variables[1]: -1}) self.model.slim_optimize() if not self.model.solver.status == OPTIMAL:"can not maximize reaction %s, skipping it" % continue primals = self.model.solver.primal_values sol = [primals[] for v in self.model.variables] self.warmup[self.n_warmup, ] = sol self.n_warmup += 1 # Reset objective self.model.objective.set_linear_coefficients( {variables[0]: 0, variables[1]: 0}) # Shrink to measure self.warmup = self.warmup[0:self.n_warmup, :] # Remove redundant search directions keep = np.logical_not(self._is_redundant(self.warmup)) self.warmup = self.warmup[keep, :] self.n_warmup = self.warmup.shape[0] # Catch some special cases if len(self.warmup.shape) == 1 or self.warmup.shape[0] == 1: raise ValueError("Your flux cone consists only of a single point!") elif self.n_warmup == 2: if not self.problem.homogeneous: raise ValueError("Can not sample from an inhomogenous problem" " with only 2 search directions :(")"All search directions on a line, adding another one.") newdir =[0.25, 0.25]) self.warmup = np.vstack([self.warmup, newdir]) self.n_warmup += 1 # Shrink warmup points to measure self.warmup = shared_np_array( (self.n_warmup, len(self.model.variables)), self.warmup)
[docs] def _reproject(self, p): """Reproject a point into the feasibility region. This function is guaranteed to return a new feasible point. However, no guarantees in terms of proximity to the original point can be made. Parameters ---------- p : numpy.array The current sample point. Returns ------- numpy.array A new feasible point. If `p` was feasible it wil return p. """ nulls = self.problem.nullspace equalities = self.problem.equalities # don't reproject if point is feasible if np.allclose(, self.problem.b, rtol=0, atol=feasibility_tol): new = p else:"feasibility violated in sample" " %d, trying to reproject" % self.n_samples) new = # Projections may violate bounds # set to random point in space in that case if any(new != p):"reprojection failed in sample" " %d, using random point in space" % self.n_samples) new = self._random_point() return new
[docs] def _random_point(self): """Find an approximately random point in the flux cone.""" idx = np.random.randint(self.n_warmup, size=min(2, np.ceil(np.sqrt(self.n_warmup)))) return self.warmup[idx, :].mean(axis=0)
[docs] def _is_redundant(self, matrix, cutoff=1.0 - feasibility_tol): """Identify rdeundant rows in a matrix that can be removed.""" # Avoid zero variances extra_col = matrix[:, 0] + 1 # Avoid zero rows being correlated with constant rows extra_col[matrix.sum(axis=1) == 0] = 2 corr = np.corrcoef(np.c_[matrix, extra_col]) corr = np.tril(corr, -1) return (np.abs(corr) > cutoff).any(axis=1)
[docs] def _bounds_dist(self, p): """Get the lower and upper bound distances. Negative is bad.""" prob = self.problem lb_dist = (p - prob.variable_bounds[0, ]).min() ub_dist = (prob.variable_bounds[1, ] - p).min() if prob.bounds.shape[0] > 0: const = const_lb_dist = (const - prob.bounds[0, ]).min() const_ub_dist = (prob.bounds[1, ] - const).min() lb_dist = min(lb_dist, const_lb_dist) ub_dist = min(ub_dist, const_ub_dist) return np.array([lb_dist, ub_dist])
[docs] def sample(self, n, fluxes=True): """Abstract sampling function. Should be overwritten by child classes. """ pass
[docs] def batch(self, batch_size, batch_num, fluxes=True): """Create a batch generator. This is useful to generate n batches of m samples each. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int The number of samples contained in each batch (m). batch_num : int The number of batches in the generator (n). fluxes : boolean Whether to return fluxes or the internal solver variables. If set to False will return a variable for each forward and backward flux as well as all additional variables you might have defined in the model. Yields ------ pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame with dimensions (batch_size x n_r) containing a valid flux sample for a total of n_r reactions (or variables if fluxes=False) in each row. """ for i in range(batch_num): yield self.sample(batch_size, fluxes=fluxes)
[docs] def validate(self, samples): """Validate a set of samples for equality and inequality feasibility. Can be used to check whether the generated samples and warmup points are feasible. Parameters ---------- samples : numpy.matrix Must be of dimension (n_samples x n_reactions). Contains the samples to be validated. Samples must be from fluxes. Returns ------- numpy.array A one-dimensional numpy array of length containing a code of 1 to 3 letters denoting the validation result: - 'v' means feasible in bounds and equality constraints - 'l' means a lower bound violation - 'u' means a lower bound validation - 'e' means and equality constraint violation """ samples = np.atleast_2d(samples) prob = self.problem if samples.shape[1] == len(self.model.reactions): S = create_stoichiometric_matrix(self.model) b = np.array([self.model.constraints[].lb for m in self.model.metabolites]) bounds = np.array([r.bounds for r in self.model.reactions]).T elif samples.shape[1] == len(self.model.variables): S = prob.equalities b = prob.b bounds = prob.variable_bounds else: raise ValueError("Wrong number of columns. samples must have a " "column for each flux or variable defined in the " "model!") feasibility = np.abs( - b) feasibility = feasibility.max(axis=1) lb_error = (samples - bounds[0, ]).min(axis=1) ub_error = (bounds[1, ] - samples).min(axis=1) if (samples.shape[1] == len(self.model.variables) and prob.inequalities.shape[0]): consts = lb_error = np.minimum( lb_error, (consts - prob.bounds[0, ]).min(axis=1)) ub_error = np.minimum( ub_error, (prob.bounds[1, ] - consts).min(axis=1) ) valid = ( (feasibility < feasibility_tol) & (lb_error > -bounds_tol) & (ub_error > -bounds_tol)) codes = np.repeat("", valid.shape[0]).astype(np.dtype((str, 3))) codes[valid] = "v" codes[lb_error <= -bounds_tol] = np.char.add( codes[lb_error <= -bounds_tol], "l") codes[ub_error <= -bounds_tol] = np.char.add( codes[ub_error <= -bounds_tol], "u") codes[feasibility > feasibility_tol] = np.char.add( codes[feasibility > feasibility_tol], "e") return codes
[docs]class ACHRSampler(HRSampler): """Artificial Centering Hit-and-Run sampler. A sampler with low memory footprint and good convergence. Parameters ---------- model : a cobra model The cobra model from which to generate samples. thinning : int, optional The thinning factor of the generated sampling chain. A thinning of 10 means samples are returned every 10 steps. nproj : int > 0, optional How often to reproject the sampling point into the feasibility space. Avoids numerical issues at the cost of lower sampling. If you observe many equality constraint violations with `sampler.validate` you should lower this number. seed : int > 0, optional Sets the random number seed. Initialized to the current time stamp if None. Attributes ---------- model : cobra.Model The cobra model from which the samples get generated. thinning : int The currently used thinning factor. n_samples : int The total number of samples that have been generated by this sampler instance. problem : collections.namedtuple A python object whose attributes define the entire sampling problem in matrix form. See docstring of `Problem`. warmup : a numpy matrix A matrix of with as many columns as reactions in the model and more than 3 rows containing a warmup sample in each row. None if no warmup points have been generated yet. retries : int The overall of sampling retries the sampler has observed. Larger values indicate numerical instabilities. seed : positive integer, optional Sets the random number seed. Initialized to the current time stamp if None. nproj : int How often to reproject the sampling point into the feasibility space. fwd_idx : np.array Has one entry for each reaction in the model containing the index of the respective forward variable. rev_idx : np.array Has one entry for each reaction in the model containing the index of the respective reverse variable. prev : numpy array The current/last flux sample generated. center : numpy array The center of the sampling space as estimated by the mean of all previously generated samples. Notes ----- ACHR generates samples by choosing new directions from the sampling space's center and the warmup points. The implementation used here is the same as in the Matlab Cobra Toolbox [2]_ and uses only the initial warmup points to generate new directions and not any other previous iterates. This usually gives better mixing since the startup points are chosen to span the space in a wide manner. This also makes the generated sampling chain quasi-markovian since the center converges rapidly. Memory usage is roughly in the order of (2 * number reactions)^2 due to the required nullspace matrices and warmup points. So large models easily take up a few GB of RAM. References ---------- .. [1] Direction Choice for Accelerated Convergence in Hit-and-Run Sampling David E. Kaufman Robert L. Smith Operations Research 199846:1 , 84-95 .. [2] """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, thinning=100, nproj=None, seed=None): """Initialize a new ACHRSampler.""" super(ACHRSampler, self).__init__(model, thinning, nproj=nproj, seed=seed) self.generate_fva_warmup() self.prev = = self.warmup.mean(axis=0) np.random.seed(self._seed)
def __single_iteration(self): pi = np.random.randint(self.n_warmup) # mix in the original warmup points to not get stuck delta = self.warmup[pi, ] - self.prev = _step(self, self.prev, delta) if self.problem.homogeneous and (self.n_samples * self.thinning % self.nproj == 0): self.prev = self._reproject(self.prev) = self._reproject( = ((self.n_samples * / (self.n_samples + 1) + self.prev / (self.n_samples + 1)) self.n_samples += 1
[docs] def sample(self, n, fluxes=True): """Generate a set of samples. This is the basic sampling function for all hit-and-run samplers. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of samples that are generated at once. fluxes : boolean Whether to return fluxes or the internal solver variables. If set to False will return a variable for each forward and backward flux as well as all additional variables you might have defined in the model. Returns ------- numpy.matrix Returns a matrix with `n` rows, each containing a flux sample. Notes ----- Performance of this function linearly depends on the number of reactions in your model and the thinning factor. """ samples = np.zeros((n, self.warmup.shape[1])) for i in range(1, self.thinning * n + 1): self.__single_iteration() if i % self.thinning == 0: samples[i//self.thinning - 1, ] = self.prev if fluxes: names = [ for r in self.model.reactions] return pandas.DataFrame( samples[:, self.fwd_idx] - samples[:, self.rev_idx], columns=names) else: names = [ for v in self.model.variables] return pandas.DataFrame(samples, columns=names)
# Unfortunately this has to be outside the class to be usable with # multiprocessing :()
[docs]def _sample_chain(args): """Sample a single chain for OptGPSampler. center and n_samples are updated locally and forgotten afterwards. """ n, idx = args # has to be this way to work in Python 2.7 center = np.random.seed((sampler._seed + idx) % np.iinfo(np.int32).max) pi = np.random.randint(sampler.n_warmup) prev = sampler.warmup[pi, ] prev = _step(sampler, center, prev - center, 0.95) n_samples = max(sampler.n_samples, 1) samples = np.zeros((n, center.shape[0])) for i in range(1, sampler.thinning * n + 1): pi = np.random.randint(sampler.n_warmup) delta = sampler.warmup[pi, ] - center prev = _step(sampler, prev, delta) if sampler.problem.homogeneous and ( n_samples * sampler.thinning % sampler.nproj == 0): prev = sampler._reproject(prev) center = sampler._reproject(center) if i % sampler.thinning == 0: samples[i//sampler.thinning - 1, ] = prev center = ((n_samples * center) / (n_samples + 1) + prev / (n_samples + 1)) n_samples += 1 return (sampler.retries, samples)
[docs]class OptGPSampler(HRSampler): """A parallel optimized sampler. A parallel sampler with fast convergence and parallel execution. See [1]_ for details. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The cobra model from which to generate samples. processes: int The number of processes used during sampling. thinning : int, optional The thinning factor of the generated sampling chain. A thinning of 10 means samples are returned every 10 steps. nproj : int > 0, optional How often to reproject the sampling point into the feasibility space. Avoids numerical issues at the cost of lower sampling. If you observe many equality constraint violations with `sampler.validate` you should lower this number. seed : int > 0, optional Sets the random number seed. Initialized to the current time stamp if None. Attributes ---------- model : cobra.Model The cobra model from which the samples get generated. thinning : int The currently used thinning factor. n_samples : int The total number of samples that have been generated by this sampler instance. problem : collections.namedtuple A python object whose attributes define the entire sampling problem in matrix form. See docstring of `Problem`. warmup : a numpy matrix A matrix of with as many columns as reactions in the model and more than 3 rows containing a warmup sample in each row. None if no warmup points have been generated yet. retries : int The overall of sampling retries the sampler has observed. Larger values indicate numerical instabilities. seed : positive integer, optional Sets the random number seed. Initialized to the current time stamp if None. nproj : int How often to reproject the sampling point into the feasibility space. fwd_idx : np.array Has one entry for each reaction in the model containing the index of the respective forward variable. rev_idx : np.array Has one entry for each reaction in the model containing the index of the respective reverse variable. prev : numpy.array The current/last flux sample generated. center : numpy.array The center of the sampling space as estimated by the mean of all previously generated samples. Notes ----- The sampler is very similar to artificial centering where each process samples its own chain. Initial points are chosen randomly from the warmup points followed by a linear transformation that pulls the points towards the a little bit towards the center of the sampling space. If the number of processes used is larger than one the requested number of samples is adjusted to the smallest multiple of the number of processes larger than the requested sample number. For instance, if you have 3 processes and request 8 samples you will receive 9. Memory usage is roughly in the order of (2 * number reactions)^2 due to the required nullspace matrices and warmup points. So large models easily take up a few GB of RAM. However, most of the large matrices are kept in shared memory. So the RAM usage is independent of the number of processes. References ---------- .. [1] Megchelenbrink W, Huynen M, Marchiori E (2014) optGpSampler: An Improved Tool for Uniformly Sampling the Solution-Space of Genome-Scale Metabolic Networks. PLoS ONE 9(2): e86587. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, processes, thinning=100, nproj=None, seed=None): """Initialize a new OptGPSampler.""" super(OptGPSampler, self).__init__(model, thinning, seed=seed) self.generate_fva_warmup() self.processes = processes # This maps our saved center into shared memory, # meaning they are synchronized across processes = shared_np_array((len(model.variables), ), self.warmup.mean(axis=0))
[docs] def sample(self, n, fluxes=True): """Generate a set of samples. This is the basic sampling function for all hit-and-run samplers. Paramters --------- n : int The minimum number of samples that are generated at once (see Notes). fluxes : boolean Whether to return fluxes or the internal solver variables. If set to False will return a variable for each forward and backward flux as well as all additional variables you might have defined in the model. Returns ------- numpy.matrix Returns a matrix with `n` rows, each containing a flux sample. Notes ----- Performance of this function linearly depends on the number of reactions in your model and the thinning factor. If the number of processes is larger than one, computation is split across as the CPUs of your machine. This may shorten computation time. However, there is also overhead in setting up parallel computation so we recommend to calculate large numbers of samples at once (`n` > 1000). """ if self.processes > 1: n_process = np.ceil(n / self.processes).astype(int) n = n_process * self.processes # The cast to list is weird but not doing it gives recursion # limit errors, something weird going on with multiprocessing args = list(zip( [n_process] * self.processes, range(self.processes))) # No with statement or starmap here since Python 2.x # does not support it :( mp = Pool(self.processes, initializer=mp_init, initargs=(self,)) results =, args, chunksize=1) mp.close() mp.join() chains = np.vstack([r[1] for r in results]) self.retries += sum(r[0] for r in results) else: mp_init(self) results = _sample_chain((n, 0)) chains = results[1] # Update the global center = (self.n_samples * + np.atleast_2d(chains).sum(0)) / (self.n_samples + n) self.n_samples += n if fluxes: names = [ for r in self.model.reactions] return pandas.DataFrame( chains[:, self.fwd_idx] - chains[:, self.rev_idx], columns=names) else: names = [ for v in self.model.variables] return pandas.DataFrame(chains, columns=names)
# Models can be large so don't pass them around during multiprocessing
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """Return the object for serialization.""" d = dict(self.__dict__) del d['model'] return d
[docs]def sample(model, n, method="optgp", thinning=100, processes=1, seed=None): """Sample valid flux distributions from a cobra model. The function samples valid flux distributions from a cobra model. Currently we support two methods: 1. 'optgp' (default) which uses the OptGPSampler that supports parallel sampling [1]_. Requires large numbers of samples to be performant (n < 1000). For smaller samples 'achr' might be better suited. or 2. 'achr' which uses artificial centering hit-and-run. This is a single process method with good convergence [2]_. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The model from which to sample flux distributions. n : int The number of samples to obtain. When using 'optgp' this must be a multiple of `processes`, otherwise a larger number of samples will be returned. method : str, optional The sampling algorithm to use. thinning : int, optional The thinning factor of the generated sampling chain. A thinning of 10 means samples are returned every 10 steps. Defaults to 100 which in benchmarks gives approximately uncorrelated samples. If set to one will return all iterates. processes : int, optional Only used for 'optgp'. The number of processes used to generate samples. seed : positive integer, optional The random number seed to be used. Initialized to current time stamp if None. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The generated flux samples. Each row corresponds to a sample of the fluxes and the columns are the reactions. Notes ----- The samplers have a correction method to ensure equality feasibility for long-running chains, however this will only work for homogeneous models, meaning models with no non-zero fixed variables or constraints ( right-hand side of the equalities are zero). References ---------- .. [1] Megchelenbrink W, Huynen M, Marchiori E (2014) optGpSampler: An Improved Tool for Uniformly Sampling the Solution-Space of Genome-Scale Metabolic Networks. PLoS ONE 9(2): e86587. .. [2] Direction Choice for Accelerated Convergence in Hit-and-Run Sampling David E. Kaufman Robert L. Smith Operations Research 199846:1 , 84-95 """ if method == "optgp": sampler = OptGPSampler(model, processes, thinning=thinning, seed=seed) elif method == "achr": sampler = ACHRSampler(model, thinning=thinning, seed=seed) else: raise ValueError("method must be 'optgp' or 'achr'!") return pandas.DataFrame(columns=[ for rxn in model.reactions], data=sampler.sample(n))