:py:mod:`cobra.io.yaml` ======================= .. py:module:: cobra.io.yaml .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Provide functions for I/O in YAML format. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cobra.io.yaml.CobraYAML Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cobra.io.yaml.to_yaml cobra.io.yaml.from_yaml cobra.io.yaml.save_yaml_model cobra.io.yaml.load_yaml_model Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cobra.io.yaml.YAML_SPEC cobra.io.yaml.yaml .. py:data:: YAML_SPEC :value: '1.2' .. py:class:: CobraYAML(*, typ: Optional[Union[List[Text], Text]] = None, pure: Any = False, output: Any = None, plug_ins: Any = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ruamel.yaml.main.YAML` Define custom subclass for YAML I/O. .. py:method:: dump(data: Dict, stream: Optional[io.TextIOBase] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> str Dump YAML data. :param data: A dictionary representing the cobra model and its components. :type data: dict :param stream: A text stream object inheriting from `io.TextIOBase`. If None, `ruamel.yaml.compat.StringIO` is used (default None). :type stream: TextIOBase, optional :param \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments passed on to `ruamel.yaml.main.YAML.dump`. :type \*\*kwargs: Any :returns: YAML string representation of `data`. :rtype: str .. py:data:: yaml .. py:function:: to_yaml(model: cobra.Model, sort: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> str Return the model as a YAML string. :param model: The cobra model to represent. :type model: cobra.Model :param sort: Whether to sort the metabolites, reactions, and genes or maintain the order defined in the model (default False). :type sort: bool, optional :param \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments passed on to `CobraYAML.dump`. :type \*\*kwargs: Any :returns: YAML string representation of the cobra model. :rtype: str .. seealso:: :obj:`save_yaml_model` Write directly to a file. :obj:`ruamel.yaml.dump` Base function. .. py:function:: from_yaml(document: str) -> cobra.Model Load a cobra model from a YAML string. :param document: The YAML string representation of a cobra model. :type document: str :returns: The cobra model as interpreted from the YAML document. :rtype: cobra.Model .. seealso:: :obj:`load_yaml_model` Load directly from a file. .. py:function:: save_yaml_model(model: cobra.Model, filename: str, sort: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> None Write the cobra model to a file in YAML format. :param model: The cobra model to represent. :type model: cobra.Model :param filename: File path or descriptor that the YAML representation should be written to. :type filename: str or file-like :param sort: Whether to sort the metabolites, reactions, and genes or maintain the order defined in the model (default False). :type sort: bool, optional :param \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `CobraYAML.dump`. :type \*\*kwargs: Any .. seealso:: :obj:`to_yaml` Return a string representation. :obj:`ruamel.yaml.dump` Base function. .. py:function:: load_yaml_model(filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> cobra.Model Load a cobra model from a file in YAML format. :param filename: File path or descriptor that contains the YAML document describing the cobra model. :type filename: str or file-like :returns: The cobra model as represented in the YAML document. :rtype: cobra.Model .. seealso:: :obj:`from_yaml` Load from a string.