:py:mod:`cobra.flux_analysis.fastcc` ==================================== .. py:module:: cobra.flux_analysis.fastcc .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Provide an implementation of FASTCC. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cobra.flux_analysis.fastcc._find_sparse_mode cobra.flux_analysis.fastcc._flip_coefficients cobra.flux_analysis.fastcc.fastcc .. py:function:: _find_sparse_mode(model: cobra.core.Model, rxns: List[cobra.core.Reaction], flux_threshold: float, zero_cutoff: float) -> List[cobra.core.Reaction] Perform the LP required for FASTCC. :param model: The model to perform FASTCC on. :type model: cobra.Model :param rxns: The reactions to use for LP. :type rxns: list of cobra.Reaction :param flux_threshold: The upper threshold an auxiliary variable can have. :type flux_threshold: float :param zero_cutoff: The cutoff below which flux is considered zero. :type zero_cutoff: float :returns: The list of reactions to consider as consistent. :rtype: list of cobra.Reaction .. py:function:: _flip_coefficients(model: cobra.core.Model, rxns: List[cobra.core.Reaction]) -> None Flip the coefficients for optimizing in reverse direction. :param model: The model to operate on. :type model: cobra.Model :param rxns: The list of reactions whose coefficients will be flipped. :type rxns: list of cobra.Reaction .. py:function:: fastcc(model: cobra.core.Model, flux_threshold: float = 1.0, zero_cutoff: Optional[float] = None) -> cobra.core.Model Check consistency of a metabolic network using FASTCC [1]_. FASTCC (Fast Consistency Check) is an algorithm for rapid and efficient consistency check in metabolic networks. FASTCC is a pure LP implementation and is low on computation resource demand. FASTCC also circumvents the problem associated with reversible reactions for the purpose. Given a global model, it will generate a consistent global model i.e., remove blocked reactions. For more details on FASTCC, please check [1]_. :param model: The model to operate on. :type model: cobra.Model :param flux_threshold: The flux threshold to consider (default 1.0). :type flux_threshold: float, optional :param zero_cutoff: The cutoff to consider for zero flux (default model.tolerance). :type zero_cutoff: float, optional :returns: The consistent model. :rtype: cobra.Model .. rubric:: Notes The LP used for FASTCC is like so: maximize: \sum_{i \in J} z_i s.t. : z_i \in [0, \varepsilon] \forall i \in J, z_i \in \mathbb{R}_+ v_i \ge z_i \forall i \in J Sv = 0 v \in B .. rubric:: References .. [1] Vlassis N, Pacheco MP, Sauter T (2014) Fast Reconstruction of Compact Context-Specific Metabolic Network Models. PLoS Comput Biol 10(1): e1003424. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003424