:py:mod:`cobra.core.group` ========================== .. py:module:: cobra.core.group .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Define the group class. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cobra.core.group.Group .. py:class:: Group(id: str, name: str = '', members: Optional[Iterable] = None, kind: Optional[str] = None) Bases: :py:obj:`cobra.core.object.Object` Manage groups via this implementation of the SBML group specification. `Group` is a class for holding information regarding a pathways, subsystems, or other custom groupings of objects within a cobra.Model object. :param id: The identifier to associate with this group :type id: str :param name: A human readable name for the group :type name: str, optional :param members: A DictList containing references to cobra.Model-associated objects that belong to the group. :type members: iterable, optional :param kind: The kind of group, as specified for the Groups feature in the SBML level 3 package specification. Can be any of "classification", "partonomy", or "collection". The default is "collection". Please consult the SBML level 3 package specification to ensure you are using the proper value for kind. In short, members of a "classification" group should have an "is-a" relationship to the group (e.g. member is-a polar compound, or member is-a transporter). Members of a "partonomy" group should have a "part-of" relationship (e.g. member is part-of glycolysis). Members of a "collection" group do not have an implied relationship between the members, so use this value for kind when in doubt (e.g. member is a gap-filled reaction, or member is involved in a disease phenotype). :type kind: {"collection", "classification", "partonomy"}, optional .. py:property:: members :type: Set Get members of the group. :returns: A Set containing the members of the group. :rtype: Set .. py:property:: kind :type: str Return the group kind. :returns: The group kind. Should be one of the three types allowed in SBML. :rtype: str .. py:attribute:: KIND_TYPES :value: ('collection', 'classification', 'partonomy') .. py:method:: __len__() -> int Get length of group. :returns: An int with the length of the group. :rtype: int .. py:method:: add_members(new_members: list) -> None Add objects to the group. :param new_members: A list of cobrapy objects to add to the group. :type new_members: list .. py:method:: remove_members(to_remove: list) -> None Remove objects from the group. :param to_remove: A list of cobra objects to remove from the group :type to_remove: list