:py:mod:`cobra.core.configuration` ================================== .. py:module:: cobra.core.configuration .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Provide a global configuration object. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: cobra.core.configuration.Configuration .. py:class:: Configuration(**kwargs) Define a global configuration object. The attributes of this singleton object are used as default values by cobra functions. .. attribute:: solver The default solver for new models. The solver choices are the ones provided by `optlang` and depend on solvers installed in your environment. :type: {"glpk", "cplex", "gurobi", "glpk_exact"} .. attribute:: tolerance The default tolerance for the solver being used (default 1E-07). :type: float, optional .. attribute:: lower_bound The standard lower bound for reversible reactions (default -1000). :type: float, optional .. attribute:: upper_bound The standard upper bound for all reactions (default 1000). :type: float, optional .. attribute:: bounds The default reaction bounds for newly created reactions. The bounds are in the form of lower_bound, upper_bound (default -1000.0, 1000.0). :type: tuple of floats .. attribute:: processes A default number of processes to use where multiprocessing is possible. The default number corresponds to the number of available cores (hyperthreads) minus one. :type: int > 0 .. attribute:: cache_directory A path where the model cache should reside if caching is desired. The default directory depends on the operating system. :type: pathlib.Path or str, optional .. attribute:: max_cache_size The allowed maximum size of the model cache in bytes (default 1 GB). :type: int, optional .. attribute:: cache_expiration The expiration time in seconds for the model cache if any (default None). :type: int, optional .. py:property:: solver :type: types.ModuleType Return the optlang solver interface. .. py:property:: bounds :type: Tuple[Optional[numbers.Number], Optional[numbers.Number]] Return the lower, upper reaction bound pair. :returns: The lower and upper bounds for new reactions. :rtype: tuple of number and number or None and None .. py:property:: cache_directory :type: pathlib.Path Return the model cache directory. .. py:method:: _set_default_solver() -> None Set the default solver from a preferred order. .. py:method:: _set_default_processes() -> None Set the default number of processes. .. py:method:: _set_default_cache_directory() -> None Set the platform-dependent default cache directory. .. py:method:: __repr__() -> str Return a string representation of the current configuration values. .. py:method:: _repr_html_() -> str Return a rich HTML representation of the current configuration values. .. rubric:: Notes This special method is used automatically in Jupyter notebooks to display a result from a cell.