Source code for cobra.manipulation.delete

"""Provide functions for pruning reactions, metabolites and genes."""
import logging
from ast import And, BoolOp, Name, NodeTransformer
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from cobra.util import get_context

    from cobra import Gene, Metabolite, Model, Reaction

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def prune_unused_metabolites(model: "Model") -> Tuple["Model", List["Metabolite"]]: """Remove metabolites not involved in any reactions. Parameters ---------- model: cobra.Model The model to remove unused metabolites from. Returns ------- cobra.Model Input model with unused metabolites removed. list of cobra.Metabolite List of metabolites that were removed. """ output_model = model.copy() inactive_metabolites = [ m for m in output_model.metabolites if len(m.reactions) == 0 ] output_model.remove_metabolites(inactive_metabolites) return output_model, inactive_metabolites
[docs]def prune_unused_reactions(model: "Model") -> Tuple["Model", List["Reaction"]]: """Remove reactions with no assigned metabolites, returns pruned model. Parameters ---------- model: cobra.Model The model to remove unused reactions from. Returns ------- cobra.Model Input model with unused reactions removed. list of cobra.Reaction List of reactions that were removed. """ output_model = model.copy() reactions_to_prune = [r for r in output_model.reactions if len(r.metabolites) == 0] output_model.remove_reactions(reactions_to_prune) return output_model, reactions_to_prune
[docs]def knock_out_model_genes( model: "Model", gene_list: Iterable[Union["Gene", int, str]], ) -> List["Reaction"]: """Disable the genes in `gene_list`. It sets the bounds to "zero" for reactions catalysed by the genes in `gene_list` if deleting the genes would stop the reactions from proceeding. The changes are reverted upon exit if executed within the model as context. Parameters ---------- model: cobra.Model The model whose reaction bounds are to be set. gene_list: list of cobra.Gene The list of genes to knock-out. Returns ------- list[cobra.Reaction] A list of cobra.Reactions that had the bounds turned to zero. """ rxn_set = set() for gene in model.genes.get_by_any(gene_list): gene.knock_out() rxn_set.update(gene.reactions) return [rxn for rxn in rxn_set if not rxn.functional]
[docs]def delete_model_genes( model: "Model", gene_list: Union[List["Gene"], Set["Gene"], List[str], Set[str]], cumulative_deletions: bool = True, disable_orphans: bool = False, ) -> None: """Temporarily remove the effect of genes in `gene_list`. It sets the bounds to "zero" for reactions catalysed by the genes in `gene_list` if deleting the genes stops the reactions from proceeding. Parameters ---------- model: cobra.Model The model whose reaction bounds are to be set. gene_list: list of cobra.Gene The list of genes to knock-out. cumulative_deletions: bool, optional If True, then any previous deletions will be maintained in the model (default True). Unused, ignored. disable_orphans: bool, optional If True, then orphan reactions will be disabled. Currently, this is not implemented (default False). Unused, ignored. .. deprecated :: 0.25 Use cobra.manipulation.knock_out_model_genes to simulate knockouts and cobra.manipulation.remove_genes to remove genes from the model. See Also -------- knock_out_model_genes() remove_model_genes() """ logger.warning( "delete_model_genes and undelete_model_genes were deprecated " "and should not be used. undelete_model_genes was removed." "Use cobra.manipulation.remove_genes instead to remove genes " "from the model." ) logger.warning( f"Use cobra.manipulation.knock_out_model_genes({model}, {gene_list})" f" to cause knockouts." ) logger.warning( f"If you want to temporarily knock out genes (like undelete_model_genes) did, " f"run it in model context, for example" f"with({model}):" f" knocked_out_rxns = knock_out_model_genes({model}, {gene_list})" f" since it will be reset when leaving the context." )
[docs]class _GeneRemover(NodeTransformer): """ Class to represent a gene set remover. Parameters ---------- target_genes: list or set of cobra.Gene A set of genes to be removed. """ def __init__(self, target_genes: Set["Gene"], **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize a new object. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs: Further keyword arguments are passed on to the parent class. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.target_genes = {str(i) for i in target_genes}
[docs] def visit_Name(self, node: "Name") -> Optional["Name"]: """Remove a gene. Parameters ---------- node: ast.Name The gene to remove. Returns ------- cobra.Gene or None None if gene object is in `target_genes`. """ return None if in self.target_genes else node
[docs] def visit_BoolOp(self, node: "BoolOp") -> Optional[Union["BoolOp", "Name"]]: """Rules for boolean operations. Parameters ---------- node: ast.Name The gene to apply rules to. Returns ------- ast.Name or None None if size of Or node values is zero after applying rule, or size of And node values is lower after applying rule. """ original_n = len(node.values) self.generic_visit(node) if len(node.values) == 0: return None # AND with any entities removed if len(node.values) < original_n and isinstance(node.op, And): return None # if one entity in an OR was left, just that entity passed up if len(node.values) == 1: return node.values[0] return node
[docs]def remove_genes( model: "Model", gene_list: Union[List["Gene"], Set["Gene"], List[str], Union[str]], remove_reactions: bool = True, ) -> None: """Remove genes entirely from the model. This will also simplify all gene-reaction rules with the genes inactivated. Parameters ---------- model: cobra.Model The model to remove genes from. gene_list: list of cobra.Gene or gene ids The list of gene objects to remove. remove_reactions: bool, optional Whether to remove reactions associated with genes in `gene_list` (default True). """ gene_set = {model.genes.get_by_id(str(i)) for i in gene_list} gene_id_set = { for i in gene_set} remover = _GeneRemover(gene_id_set) target_reactions = [] rxns_to_revisit = set() context = get_context(model) for rxn in model.reactions: if rxn.gene_reaction_rule is None or len(rxn.gene_reaction_rule) == 0: continue # reactions to remove if remove_reactions and not rxn.gpr.eval(gene_id_set): target_reactions.append(rxn) else: # if the reaction is not removed, remove the gene # from its gpr old_gpr = rxn.gpr.copy() remover.visit(rxn.gpr) # If the remover completely removed the AST tree from the GPR, it will not # have body at all, which is why this isn't if body is None. if not hasattr(rxn.gpr, "body"): rxn.gpr.body = None rxn._genes = set() else: rxns_to_revisit.add(rxn) if context: context(partial(setattr, rxn, "gpr", old_gpr)) context(partial(rxn.update_genes_from_gpr)) for gene in gene_set: model.genes.remove(gene) gene._model = None if context: context(partial(model.genes.add, gene)) context(partial(setattr, gene, "_model", model)) # remove reference to the gene in all groups associated_groups = model.get_associated_groups(gene) for group in associated_groups: group.remove_members(gene) model.remove_reactions(target_reactions) for rxn in rxns_to_revisit: rxn.update_genes_from_gpr()