Source code for cobra.core.solution

"""Provide unified interfaces to optimization solutions."""

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from optlang.interface import OPTIMAL

from ..util.solver import check_solver_status

    from cobra import Metabolite, Model, Reaction

__all__ = ("Solution", "get_solution")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Solution: """ A unified interface to a `cobra.Model` optimization solution. Parameters ---------- objective_value : float The (optimal) value for the objective function. status : str The solver status related to the solution. fluxes : pandas.Series Contains the reaction fluxes (primal values of variables). reduced_costs : pandas.Series Contains reaction reduced costs (dual values of variables) (default None). shadow_prices : pandas.Series Contains metabolite shadow prices (dual values of constraints) (default None). Attributes ---------- objective_value : float The (optimal) value for the objective function. status : str The solver status related to the solution. fluxes : pandas.Series Contains the reaction fluxes (primal values of variables). reduced_costs : pandas.Series Contains reaction reduced costs (dual values of variables). shadow_prices : pandas.Series Contains metabolite shadow prices (dual values of constraints). Notes ----- Solution is meant to be constructed by `get_solution` please look at that function to fully understand the `Solution` class. """ def __init__( self, objective_value: float, status: str, fluxes: pd.Series, reduced_costs: Optional[pd.Series] = None, shadow_prices: Optional[pd.Series] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialize a `Solution` from its components. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : Further keyword arguments are passed on to the parent class. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.objective_value = objective_value self.status = status self.fluxes = fluxes self.reduced_costs = reduced_costs self.shadow_prices = shadow_prices
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the solution instance.""" if self.status != OPTIMAL: return f"<Solution {self.status} at {id(self):#x}>" return f"<Solution {self.objective_value:.3f} at {id(self):#x}>"
[docs] def _repr_html_(self) -> str: """Return a rich HTML representation of the solution.""" if self.status == OPTIMAL: with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", 10): html = ( "<strong><em>Optimal</em> solution with objective " f"value {self.objective_value:.3f}</strong><br>" f"{self.to_frame()._repr_html_()}" ) else: html = f"<strong><em>{self.status}</em> solution</strong>" return html
[docs] def __getitem__(self, reaction_id: str) -> float: """ Return the flux of a reaction. Parameters ---------- reaction_id : str A model reaction ID. Returns ------- float The flux of the reaction with ID `reaction_id`. """ return self.fluxes[reaction_id]
[docs] get_primal_by_id = __getitem__
[docs] def to_frame(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the fluxes and reduced costs as a pandas DataFrame. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The fluxes and reduced cost. """ return pd.DataFrame( {"fluxes": self.fluxes, "reduced_costs": self.reduced_costs} )
[docs]def get_solution( model: "Model", reactions: Optional[Iterable["Reaction"]] = None, metabolites: Optional[Iterable["Metabolite"]] = None, raise_error: bool = False, ) -> Solution: """ Generate a solution representation of the current solver state. Parameters --------- model : cobra.Model The model whose reactions to retrieve values for. reactions : list, optional An iterable of `cobra.Reaction` objects. Uses `model.reactions` if None (default None). metabolites : list, optional An iterable of `cobra.Metabolite` objects. Uses `model.metabolites` if None (default None). raise_error : bool If True, raise an OptimizationError if solver status is not optimal (default False). Returns ------- cobra.Solution """ check_solver_status(model.solver.status, raise_error=raise_error) if reactions is None: reactions = model.reactions if metabolites is None: metabolites = model.metabolites rxn_index = [] fluxes = np.empty(len(reactions)) reduced = np.empty(len(reactions)) var_primals = model.solver.primal_values shadow = np.empty(len(metabolites)) if model.solver.is_integer: reduced.fill(np.nan) shadow.fill(np.nan) for (i, rxn) in enumerate(reactions): rxn_index.append( fluxes[i] = var_primals[] - var_primals[rxn.reverse_id] met_index = [ for met in metabolites] else: var_duals = model.solver.reduced_costs for (i, rxn) in enumerate(reactions): forward = reverse = rxn.reverse_id rxn_index.append(forward) fluxes[i] = var_primals[forward] - var_primals[reverse] reduced[i] = var_duals[forward] - var_duals[reverse] met_index = [] constr_duals = model.solver.shadow_prices for (i, met) in enumerate(metabolites): met_index.append( shadow[i] = constr_duals[] return Solution( objective_value=model.solver.objective.value, status=model.solver.status, fluxes=pd.Series(index=rxn_index, data=fluxes, name="fluxes"), reduced_costs=pd.Series(index=rxn_index, data=reduced, name="reduced_costs"), shadow_prices=pd.Series(index=met_index, data=shadow, name="shadow_prices"), )