Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

import io

from ruamel.yaml.compat import StringIO
from ruamel.yaml.main import YAML

from import model_from_dict, model_to_dict

[docs]YAML_SPEC = "1.2"
[docs]class MyYAML(YAML):
[docs] def dump(self, data, stream=None, **kwargs): inefficient = False if stream is None: inefficient = True stream = StringIO() YAML.dump(self, data, stream, **kwargs) if inefficient: return stream.getvalue()
[docs]yaml = MyYAML(typ="rt")
[docs]def to_yaml(model, sort=False, **kwargs): """ Return the model as a YAML document. ``kwargs`` are passed on to ``yaml.dump``. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The cobra model to represent. sort : bool, optional Whether to sort the metabolites, reactions, and genes or maintain the order defined in the model. Returns ------- str String representation of the cobra model as a YAML document. See Also -------- save_yaml_model : Write directly to a file. ruamel.yaml.dump : Base function. """ obj = model_to_dict(model, sort=sort) obj["version"] = YAML_SPEC return yaml.dump(obj, **kwargs)
[docs]def from_yaml(document): """ Load a cobra model from a YAML document. Parameters ---------- document : str The YAML document representation of a cobra model. Returns ------- cobra.Model The cobra model as represented in the YAML document. See Also -------- load_yaml_model : Load directly from a file. """ content = StringIO(document) return model_from_dict(yaml.load(content))
[docs]def save_yaml_model(model, filename, sort=False, **kwargs): """ Write the cobra model to a file in YAML format. ``kwargs`` are passed on to ``yaml.dump``. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The cobra model to represent. filename : str or file-like File path or descriptor that the YAML representation should be written to. sort : bool, optional Whether to sort the metabolites, reactions, and genes or maintain the order defined in the model. See Also -------- to_yaml : Return a string representation. ruamel.yaml.dump : Base function. """ obj = model_to_dict(model, sort=sort) obj["version"] = YAML_SPEC if isinstance(filename, str): with, "w") as file_handle: yaml.dump(obj, file_handle, **kwargs) else: yaml.dump(obj, filename, **kwargs)
[docs]def load_yaml_model(filename): """ Load a cobra model from a file in YAML format. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like File path or descriptor that contains the YAML document describing the cobra model. Returns ------- cobra.Model The cobra model as represented in the YAML document. See Also -------- from_yaml : Load from a string. """ if isinstance(filename, str): with, "r") as file_handle: return model_from_dict(yaml.load(file_handle)) else: return model_from_dict(yaml.load(filename))