Source code for

"""Provide a function ``load_model`` to access remote model repositories."""

import gzip
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable

import diskcache
import httpx
import libsbml

from ...core import Configuration
from ..sbml import _sbml_to_model
from .abstract_model_repository import AbstractModelRepository
from .bigg_models_repository import BiGGModels
from .biomodels_repository import BioModels

    from cobra.core import Model

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]configuration = Configuration()
[docs]def load_model( model_id: str, repositories: Iterable[AbstractModelRepository] = (BiGGModels(), BioModels()), cache: bool = True, ) -> "Model": """ Download an SBML model from a remote repository. Downloaded SBML documents are by default stored in a cache on disk such that future access is much faster. By default, models can be loaded from the following repositories: * BiGG Models * BioModels You can use the ``AbstractModelRepository`` class as a parent to implement your own repository accessor which you pass to the ``load_model`` function. In case you implement a new interface, please consider submitting a pull request to COBRApy. Parameters ---------- model_id : str The identifier of the desired metabolic model. This is typically repository specific. repositories : iterable, optional An iterable of repository accessor instances. The model_id is searched in order. cache : bool, optional Whether or not to use the local caching mechanism (default yes). Returns ------- Model A model instance generated from the SBML document. Raises ------ RuntimeError As with any internet connection, there are multiple errors that can occur. Examples -------- # Most of the time calling `load_model` with an identifier should be enough. >>> print(load_model("e_coli_core")) e_coli_core >>> print(load_model("MODEL1510010000")) MODEL1510010000 See Also -------- BiGGModels BioModels """ if cache: data = _cached_load( model_id=model_id, repositories=repositories, ) else: data = _fetch_model(model_id=model_id, repositories=repositories) return get_model_from_gzip_sbml(data)
[docs]def _cached_load( model_id: str, repositories: Iterable[AbstractModelRepository], ) -> bytes: """ Attempt to load a gzip-compressed SBML document from the cache. If the given model identifier is not in the cache, the remote repositories are searched. Parameters ---------- model_id : str The identifier of the desired metabolic model. This is typically repository specific. repositories : iterable An iterable of repository accessor instances. The model_id is searched in order. Returns ------- bytes A gzip-compressed, UTF-8 encoded SBML document. """ with diskcache.Cache( directory=str(configuration.cache_directory), size_limit=configuration.max_cache_size, ) as cache: try: return cache[model_id] except KeyError: data = _fetch_model(model_id=model_id, repositories=repositories) cache.set(key=model_id, value=data, expire=configuration.cache_expiration) return data
[docs]def _fetch_model( model_id: str, repositories: Iterable[AbstractModelRepository], ) -> bytes: """ Attempt to load a gzip-compressed SBML document from the given repositories. Parameters ---------- model_id : str The identifier of the desired metabolic model. This is typically repository specific. repositories : iterable An iterable of repository accessor instances. The model_id is searched in order. Returns ------- bytes A gzip-compressed, UTF-8 encoded SBML document. """ for repository in repositories: f"Attempting to fetch '{model_id}' from the {} repository." ) try: return repository.get_sbml(model_id=model_id) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as error: if error.response.status_code == 404: logger.debug( f"Model '{model_id}' not found in the {} repository." ) continue raise RuntimeError( f"The connection to the {} repository failed." ) from error except httpx.RequestError as error: raise RuntimeError( f"The connection to the {} repository failed." ) from error raise RuntimeError( f"The model '{model_id}' could not be found in any of the repositories."
[docs]def get_model_from_gzip_sbml(stream: bytes) -> "Model": """ Generate a model instance from a gzip-compressed, UTF-8 encoded SBML document. Parameters ---------- stream : bytes A gzip-compressed, UTF-8 encoded SBML document. Returns ------- Model A model instance generated from the SBML document. """ return _sbml_to_model( libsbml.readSBMLFromString(gzip.decompress(stream).decode("utf-8"))