17.40. test_core_reaction

Test functions of cobra.core.reaction .

17.40.1. Module Contents Functions

test_gpr() → None

Test GPR evaluation.

test_gpr_modification(model: Model) → None

Test GPR manipulations.

test_gene_knock_out(model: Model) → None

Test gene knockout effect on reaction.

test_str() → None

Test str output for a reaction.

test_str_from_model(model: Model) → None

Test str output for a reaction associated with a model.

test_add_metabolite_from_solved_model(solved_model: Model) → None

Test metabolite addition to a reaction from a solved model.

test_add_metabolite_benchmark(model: Model, benchmark, solver: Iterable) → None

Benchmark metabolite addition to a reaction associated with a model.

test_add_metabolite(model: Model) → None

Test metabolite addition to a reaction from an unsolved model.

test_subtract_metabolite_benchmark(model: Model, benchmark, solver: Iterable) → None

Benchmark metabolite deletion from a reaction.

test_subtract_metabolite(model: Model, solver: Iterable) → None

Test metabolite deletion from a reaction associated with an unsolved model.

test_mass_balance(model: Model) → None

Test mass balance of metabolites of a reaction.

test_build_from_string(model: Model) → None

Test reaction building from string evaluation.

test_bounds_setter(model: Model) → None

Test reaction bounds setter.

test_copy(model: Model) → None

Test reaction copying.

test_iadd(model: Model) → None

Test in-place addition of reaction.

test_add(model: Model) → None

Test reaction addition to model.

test_radd(model: Model) → None

Test __radd__ for a reaction.

test_mul(model: Model) → None

Test scalar multiplication of factors with a reaction.

test_sub(model: Model) → None

Test reaction subtraction.

test_removal_from_model_retains_bounds(model: Model) → None

Test reaction removal from a model, retains its bounds.

test_set_bounds_scenario_1(model: Model) → None

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_set_bounds_scenario_2(model: Model) → None

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_set_bounds_scenario_3(model: Model) → None

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_set_bounds_scenario_4(model: Model) → None

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_set_upper_before_lower_bound_to_0(model: Model) → None

Test reaction bounds setting to zero.

test_change_bounds(model: Model) → None

Test reaction bounds change.

test_make_irreversible(model: Model) → None

Test reaction irreversibility.

test_make_reversible(model: Model) → None

Test reaction reversibility.

test_make_irreversible_irreversible_to_the_other_side(model: Model) → None

Test reaction irreversibility to irreversibility.

test_make_lhs_irreversible_reversible(model: Model) → None

Test reaction LHS irreversibility to reversibility.

test_model_less_reaction(model: Model) → None

Test model without reactions.

test_knockout(model: Model) → None

Test reaction knockouts.

test_reaction_without_model() → None

Test reaction without model association.

test_weird_left_to_right_reaction_issue(tiny_toy_model: Model) → None

Test absurd left to right reaction.

test_one_left_to_right_reaction_set_positive_ub(tiny_toy_model: Model) → None

Test left to right reaction with positive upper bound.

test_irrev_reaction_set_negative_lb(model: Model) → None

Test reaction irreversibility with negative lower bound.

test_twist_irrev_right_to_left_reaction_to_left_to_right(model: Model) → None

Test irreversibility reversal from right to left to left to right.

test_set_lb_higher_than_ub_sets_ub_to_new_lb(model: Model) → None

Test lower bound > upper bound makes upper bound to new lower bound.

test_set_ub_lower_than_lb_sets_lb_to_new_ub(model: Model) → None

Test upper bound < lower bound makes lower bound to new upper bound.

test_add_metabolites_combine_true(model: Model) → None

Test metabolite addition to reaction (with combine = True).

test_add_metabolites_combine_false(model: Model) → None

Test metabolite addition to reaction (with combine = False).

test_reaction_imul(model: Model) → None

Test in-place scalar factor multiplication to reaction.

test_remove_from_model(model: Model) → None

Test reaction removal from model.

test_change_id_is_reflected_in_solver(model: Model) → None

Test reaction ID change reflection in solver.

test_repr_html_(model: Model) → None

Test __repr_html__ functionality.

test_compartment_changes(model: Model) → None

Test reaction compartment change.

test_core_reaction.stable_optlang = ['glpk', 'cplex', 'gurobi'][source]
test_core_reaction.test_gpr() → None[source]

Test GPR evaluation.

test_core_reaction.test_gpr_modification(model: Model) → None[source]

Test GPR manipulations.

test_core_reaction.test_gene_knock_out(model: Model) → None[source]

Test gene knockout effect on reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_str() → None[source]

Test str output for a reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_str_from_model(model: Model) → None[source]

Test str output for a reaction associated with a model.

test_core_reaction.test_add_metabolite_from_solved_model(solved_model: Model) → None[source]

Test metabolite addition to a reaction from a solved model.

test_core_reaction.test_add_metabolite_benchmark(model: Model, benchmark, solver: Iterable) → None[source]

Benchmark metabolite addition to a reaction associated with a model.

test_core_reaction.test_add_metabolite(model: Model) → None[source]

Test metabolite addition to a reaction from an unsolved model.

test_core_reaction.test_subtract_metabolite_benchmark(model: Model, benchmark, solver: Iterable) → None[source]

Benchmark metabolite deletion from a reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_subtract_metabolite(model: Model, solver: Iterable) → None[source]

Test metabolite deletion from a reaction associated with an unsolved model.

test_core_reaction.test_mass_balance(model: Model) → None[source]

Test mass balance of metabolites of a reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_build_from_string(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction building from string evaluation.

test_core_reaction.test_bounds_setter(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction bounds setter.

test_core_reaction.test_copy(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction copying.

test_core_reaction.test_iadd(model: Model) → None[source]

Test in-place addition of reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_add(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction addition to model.

test_core_reaction.test_radd(model: Model) → None[source]

Test __radd__ for a reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_mul(model: Model) → None[source]

Test scalar multiplication of factors with a reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_sub(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction subtraction.

test_core_reaction.test_removal_from_model_retains_bounds(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction removal from a model, retains its bounds.

test_core_reaction.test_set_bounds_scenario_1(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_core_reaction.test_set_bounds_scenario_2(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_core_reaction.test_set_bounds_scenario_3(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_core_reaction.test_set_bounds_scenario_4(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction bounds setting for a scenario.

test_core_reaction.test_set_upper_before_lower_bound_to_0(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction bounds setting to zero.

test_core_reaction.test_change_bounds(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction bounds change.

test_core_reaction.test_make_irreversible(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction irreversibility.

test_core_reaction.test_make_reversible(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction reversibility.

test_core_reaction.test_make_irreversible_irreversible_to_the_other_side(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction irreversibility to irreversibility.

test_core_reaction.test_make_lhs_irreversible_reversible(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction LHS irreversibility to reversibility.

test_core_reaction.test_model_less_reaction(model: Model) → None[source]

Test model without reactions.

test_core_reaction.test_knockout(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction knockouts.

test_core_reaction.test_reaction_without_model() → None[source]

Test reaction without model association.

test_core_reaction.test_weird_left_to_right_reaction_issue(tiny_toy_model: Model) → None[source]

Test absurd left to right reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_one_left_to_right_reaction_set_positive_ub(tiny_toy_model: Model) → None[source]

Test left to right reaction with positive upper bound.

test_core_reaction.test_irrev_reaction_set_negative_lb(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction irreversibility with negative lower bound.

test_core_reaction.test_twist_irrev_right_to_left_reaction_to_left_to_right(model: Model) → None[source]

Test irreversibility reversal from right to left to left to right.

test_core_reaction.test_set_lb_higher_than_ub_sets_ub_to_new_lb(model: Model) → None[source]

Test lower bound > upper bound makes upper bound to new lower bound.

test_core_reaction.test_set_ub_lower_than_lb_sets_lb_to_new_ub(model: Model) → None[source]

Test upper bound < lower bound makes lower bound to new upper bound.

test_core_reaction.test_add_metabolites_combine_true(model: Model) → None[source]

Test metabolite addition to reaction (with combine = True).

test_core_reaction.test_add_metabolites_combine_false(model: Model) → None[source]

Test metabolite addition to reaction (with combine = False).

test_core_reaction.test_reaction_imul(model: Model) → None[source]

Test in-place scalar factor multiplication to reaction.

test_core_reaction.test_remove_from_model(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction removal from model.

test_core_reaction.test_change_id_is_reflected_in_solver(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction ID change reflection in solver.

test_core_reaction.test_repr_html_(model: Model) → None[source]

Test __repr_html__ functionality.

test_core_reaction.test_compartment_changes(model: Model) → None[source]

Test reaction compartment change.