17.13. test_phenotype_phase_plane

Test functionalities of Phenotype Phase Plane Analysis.

17.13.1. Module Contents Functions

test_envelope_one(model: Model) → None

Test flux of production envelope.

test_envelope_multi_reaction_objective(model: Model) → None

Test production of multiple objectives.

test_multi_variable_envelope(model: Model, variables: str, num: int) → None

Test production of envelope (multiple variable).

test_envelope_two(model: Model) → None

Test production of envelope.

test_phenotype_phase_plane.test_envelope_one(model: Model) → None[source]

Test flux of production envelope.

test_phenotype_phase_plane.test_envelope_multi_reaction_objective(model: Model) → None[source]

Test production of multiple objectives.

test_phenotype_phase_plane.test_multi_variable_envelope(model: Model, variables: str, num: int) → None[source]

Test production of envelope (multiple variable).

test_phenotype_phase_plane.test_envelope_two(model: Model) → None[source]

Test production of envelope.