Source code for test_process_pool

"""Test the behaviour of the ProcessPool class."""

from typing import Iterable, Tuple

import pytest
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture

from cobra.util import ProcessPool

[docs]def dummy_initializer(*args: Iterable) -> Tuple: """Implement a 'do nothing' function that accepts initialization arguments.""" return args
[docs]def square(num: int) -> int: """Return the square of an integer.""" return num * num
[docs]def summation(*args: Iterable[int]) -> int: """Return the sum of all integer arguments.""" return sum(args)
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "attributes", [ {}, {"processes": 2}, {"initializer": dummy_initializer}, {"initializer": dummy_initializer, "initargs": (1, "2", [3], {"a": 4})}, {"maxtasksperchild": 1},
[docs] ], ) def test_init(attributes: dict) -> None: """Test that a process pool can be initialized with each of its arguments.""" ProcessPool(**attributes)
[docs]def test_close(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: """Test that the composed pool is closed as well.""" pool = ProcessPool(processes=3) mock = mocker.patch.object(pool, "_pool", autospec=True) pool.close() mock.close.assert_called_once()
[docs]def test_with_context(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: """Test that the composed pool's context is managed as well.""" pool = ProcessPool(processes=3) mock = mocker.patch.object(pool, "_pool", autospec=True) with pool: pass mock.__enter__.assert_called_once() mock.__exit__.assert_called_once()
[docs]def test_apply() -> None: """Test that a function can be applied.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: assert pool.apply(square, (3,)) == 9
[docs]def test_apply_async() -> None: """Test that a function can be applied asynchronously.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: assert pool.apply_async(square, (3,)).get() == 9
[docs]def test_map() -> None: """Test that a function can be mapped over an iterable of values.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: assert sum(, [2] * 6)) == 24
[docs]def test_map_async() -> None: """Test that a function can be mapped over an iterable of values asynchronously.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: assert sum(pool.map_async(square, [2] * 6).get()) == 24
[docs]def test_imap() -> None: """Test that mapped function results can be iterated.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: total = 0 for result in pool.imap(square, [2] * 6): total += result assert total == 24
[docs]def test_imap_unordered() -> None: """Test that mapped function results can be iterated in any order.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: assert sum(pool.imap_unordered(square, [2] * 6)) == 24
[docs]def test_starmap() -> None: """Test that a function can be starmapped over many iterables.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: assert sum(pool.starmap(summation, [range(10), range(10), range(10)])) == 135
[docs]def test_starmap_async() -> None: """Test that a function can be starmapped over many iterables asynchronously.""" with ProcessPool(processes=3) as pool: assert ( sum(pool.starmap_async(summation, [range(10), range(10), range(10)]).get()) == 135