Source code for cobra.flux_analysis.phenotype_phase_plane

"""Provide functions for phenotype phase plane analysis."""

from itertools import product
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from optlang.interface import OPTIMAL

from ..exceptions import OptimizationError
from ..util import solver as sutil
from .helpers import normalize_cutoff
from .variability import flux_variability_analysis as fva

    from optlang.interface import Objective

    from cobra import Model, Reaction

[docs]def production_envelope( model: "Model", reactions: List["Reaction"], objective: Union[Dict, "Objective", None] = None, carbon_sources: Optional[List["Reaction"]] = None, points: int = 20, threshold: Optional[float] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate the objective value conditioned on all flux combinations. The production envelope can be used to analyze a model's ability to produce a given compound conditional on the fluxes for another set of reactions, such as the uptake rates. The model is alternately optimized with respect to minimizing and maximizing the objective and the obtained fluxes are recorded. Ranges to compute production is set to the effective bounds, i.e., the minimum / maximum fluxes that can be obtained given current reaction bounds. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The model to compute the production envelope for. reactions : list of cobra.Reaction A list of reaction objects. objective : dict or cobra.Model.objective, optional The objective (reaction) to use for the production envelope. Use the model's current objective if left missing (default None). carbon_sources : list of cobra.Reaction, optional One or more reactions that are the source of carbon for computing carbon (mol carbon in output over mol carbon in input) and mass yield (gram product over gram output). Only objectives with a carbon containing input and output metabolite is supported. Will identify active carbon sources in the medium if none are specified (default None). points : int, optional The number of points to calculate production for (default 20). threshold : float, optional A cut-off under which flux values will be considered to be zero. If not specified, it defaults to `model.tolerance` (default None). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame with fixed columns as: - carbon_source : identifiers of carbon exchange reactions - flux_maximum : maximum objective flux - flux_minimum : minimum objective flux - carbon_yield_maximum : maximum yield of a carbon source - carbon_yield_minimum : minimum yield of a carbon source - mass_yield_maximum : maximum mass yield of a carbon source - mass_yield_minimum : minimum mass yield of a carbon source and variable columns (for each input `reactions`) as: - reaction_id : flux at each given point Raises ------ ValueError If model's objective is comprised of multiple reactions. Examples -------- >>> import cobra.test >>> from cobra.flux_analysis import production_envelope >>> model = cobra.test.create_test_model("textbook") >>> production_envelope(model, ["EX_glc__D_e", "EX_o2_e"]) carbon_source flux_minimum carbon_yield_minimum mass_yield_minimum ... 0 EX_glc__D_e 0.0 0.0 NaN ... 1 EX_glc__D_e 0.0 0.0 NaN ... 2 EX_glc__D_e 0.0 0.0 NaN ... 3 EX_glc__D_e 0.0 0.0 NaN ... 4 EX_glc__D_e 0.0 0.0 NaN ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 395 EX_glc__D_e NaN NaN NaN ... 396 EX_glc__D_e NaN NaN NaN ... 397 EX_glc__D_e NaN NaN NaN ... 398 EX_glc__D_e NaN NaN NaN ... 399 EX_glc__D_e NaN NaN NaN ... [400 rows x 9 columns] """ reactions = model.reactions.get_by_any(reactions) objective = model.solver.objective if objective is None else objective data = dict() if carbon_sources is None: c_input = _find_carbon_sources(model) else: c_input = model.reactions.get_by_any(carbon_sources) if c_input is None: data["carbon_source"] = None elif hasattr(c_input, "id"): data["carbon_source"] = else: data["carbon_source"] = ", ".join( for rxn in c_input) threshold = normalize_cutoff(model, threshold) size = points ** len(reactions) for direction in ("minimum", "maximum"): data[f"flux_{direction}"] = np.full(size, np.nan, dtype=float) data[f"carbon_yield_{direction}"] = np.full(size, np.nan, dtype=float) data[f"mass_yield_{direction}"] = np.full(size, np.nan, dtype=float) grid = pd.DataFrame(data) with model: model.objective = objective objective_reactions = list(sutil.linear_reaction_coefficients(model)) if len(objective_reactions) != 1: raise ValueError( "Cannot calculate yields for objectives with multiple reactions." ) c_output = objective_reactions[0] min_max = fva(model, reactions, fraction_of_optimum=0) min_max[min_max.abs() < threshold] = 0.0 points = list( product( *[ np.linspace([, "minimum"],[, "maximum"], points, endpoint=True, ) for rxn in reactions ] ) ) tmp = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=[ for rxn in reactions]) grid = pd.concat([grid, tmp], axis=1, copy=False) _add_envelope(model, reactions, grid, c_input, c_output, threshold) return grid
[docs]def _add_envelope( model: "Model", reactions: List["Reaction"], grid: pd.DataFrame, c_input: List["Reaction"], c_output: List["Reaction"], threshold: float, ) -> None: """Add a production envelope based on the parameters provided. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The model to operate on. reactions : list of cobra.Reaction The input reaction objects. grid : pandas.DataFrame The DataFrame containing all the data regarding the operation. c_input : list of cobra.Reaction The list of reaction objects acting as carbon inputs. c_output : list of cobra.Reaction The list of reaction objects acting as carbon outputs. """ if c_input is not None: input_components = [_reaction_elements(rxn) for rxn in c_input] output_components = _reaction_elements(c_output) try: input_weights = [_reaction_weight(rxn) for rxn in c_input] output_weight = _reaction_weight(c_output) except ValueError: input_weights = [] output_weight = [] else: input_components = [] output_components = [] input_weights = [] output_weight = [] for direction in ("minimum", "maximum"): with model: model.objective_direction = direction for i in range(len(grid)): with model: for rxn in reactions: point =[i,] rxn.bounds = point, point obj_val = model.slim_optimize() if model.solver.status != OPTIMAL: continue[i, f"flux_{direction}"] = ( 0.0 if np.abs(obj_val) < threshold else obj_val ) if c_input is not None:[i, f"carbon_yield_{direction}"] = _total_yield( [rxn.flux for rxn in c_input], input_components, obj_val, output_components, )[i, f"mass_yield_{direction}"] = _total_yield( [rxn.flux for rxn in c_input], input_weights, obj_val, output_weight,
[docs]def _total_yield( input_fluxes: List[float], input_elements: List[float], output_flux: List[float], output_elements: List[float], ) -> float: """Compute total output per input unit. Units are typically mol carbon atoms or gram of source and product. Parameters ---------- input_fluxes : list of float A list of input reaction fluxes in the same order as the `input_components`. input_elements : list of float A list of reaction components which are in turn list of numbers. output_flux : float The output flux value. output_elements : list A list of stoichiometrically weighted output reaction components. Returns ------- float The ratio between output (mol carbon atoms or grams of product) and input (mol carbon atoms or grams of source compounds). If input flux of carbon sources is zero then numpy.nan is returned. """ carbon_input_flux = sum( _total_components_flux(flux, components, consumption=True) for flux, components in zip(input_fluxes, input_elements) ) carbon_output_flux = _total_components_flux( output_flux, output_elements, consumption=False ) try: return carbon_output_flux / carbon_input_flux except ZeroDivisionError: return np.nan
[docs]def _reaction_elements(reaction: "Reaction") -> List[float]: """Split metabolites into atoms times their stoichiometric coefficients. Parameters ---------- reaction : cobra.Reaction The reaction whose metabolite components are desired. Returns ------- list of float Each of the reaction's metabolites' desired carbon elements (if any) times that metabolite's stoichiometric coefficient. """ c_elements = [ coeff * met.elements.get("C", 0) for met, coeff in reaction.metabolites.items() ] return [elem for elem in c_elements if elem != 0]
[docs]def _reaction_weight(reaction: "Reaction") -> List[float]: """Return the metabolite weight times its stoichiometric coefficient. Parameters ---------- reaction : cobra.Reaction The reaction whose metabolite component weights is desired. Returns ------- list of float Each of reaction's metabolite components' weights. Raises ------ ValueError If more than one metabolite comprises the `reaction`. """ if len(reaction.metabolites) != 1: raise ValueError( "Reaction weight is only defined for single " "metabolite products or educts." ) met, coeff = next(iter(reaction.metabolites.items())) return [coeff * met.formula_weight]
[docs]def _total_components_flux( flux: float, components: List[float], consumption: bool = True ) -> float: """Compute the total components consumption or production flux. Parameters ---------- flux : float The reaction flux for the components. components : list of float List of stoichiometrically weighted components. consumption : bool, optional Whether to sum up consumption or production fluxes (default True). Returns ------- float The total consumption or production flux of `components`. """ direction = 1 if consumption else -1 c_flux = [elem * flux * direction for elem in components] return sum([flux for flux in c_flux if flux > 0])
[docs]def _find_carbon_sources(model: "Model") -> List["Reaction"]: """Find all active carbon source reactions. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model whose active carbon sources need to found. Returns ------- list of cobra.Reaction The medium reactions with carbon input flux. """ try: model.slim_optimize(error_value=None) except OptimizationError: return [] reactions = model.reactions.get_by_any(list(model.medium)) reactions_fluxes = [ ( rxn, _total_components_flux(rxn.flux, _reaction_elements(rxn), consumption=True), ) for rxn in reactions ] return [rxn for rxn, c_flux in reactions_fluxes if c_flux > 0]