Source code for test_gapfilling

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Test functionalities of gapfilling."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

from cobra.core import Metabolite, Model, Reaction
from cobra.flux_analysis.gapfilling import GapFiller, gapfill

[docs]def test_gapfilling(salmonella): """Test Gapfilling.""" m = Model() m.add_metabolites([Metabolite(m_id) for m_id in ["a", "b", "c"]]) exa = Reaction("EX_a") exa.add_metabolites({m.metabolites.a: 1}) b2c = Reaction("b2c") b2c.add_metabolites({m.metabolites.b: -1, m.metabolites.c: 1}) dmc = Reaction("DM_c") dmc.add_metabolites({m.metabolites.c: -1}) m.add_reactions([exa, b2c, dmc]) m.objective = "DM_c" universal = Model() a2b = Reaction("a2b") a2d = Reaction("a2d") universal.add_reactions([a2b, a2d]) a2b.build_reaction_from_string("a --> b", verbose=False) a2d.build_reaction_from_string("a --> d", verbose=False) # # GrowMatch # result = gapfilling.growMatch(m, universal)[0] result = gapfill(m, universal)[0] assert len(result) == 1 assert result[0].id == "a2b" # # SMILEY # result = gapfilling.SMILEY(m, "b", universal)[0] with m: m.objective = m.add_boundary(m.metabolites.b, type="demand") result = gapfill(m, universal)[0] assert len(result) == 1 assert result[0].id == "a2b" # # 2 rounds of GrowMatch with exchange reactions # result = gapfilling.growMatch(m, None, ex_rxns=True, iterations=2) result = gapfill(m, None, exchange_reactions=True, iterations=2) assert len(result) == 2 assert len(result[0]) == 1 assert len(result[1]) == 1 assert {i[0].id for i in result} == {"EX_b", "EX_c"} # # Gapfilling solution adds metabolites not present in original model # test for when demand = T # a demand reaction must be added to clear new metabolite universal_noDM = Model() a2b = Reaction("a2b") universal_noDM.add_reactions([a2b]) a2b.build_reaction_from_string("a --> b + d", verbose=False) result = gapfill( m, universal_noDM, exchange_reactions=False, demand_reactions=True )[0] # add reaction a2b and demand reaction to clear met d assert len(result) == 2 assert "a2b" in [ for x in result] # test for when demand = False # test for when metabolites are added to the model and # must be cleared by other reactions in universal model # (i.e. not necessarily a demand reaction) universal_withDM = universal_noDM.copy() d_dm = Reaction("d_dm") universal_withDM.add_reactions([d_dm]) d_dm.build_reaction_from_string("d -->", verbose=False) result = gapfill( m, universal_withDM, exchange_reactions=False, demand_reactions=False )[0] assert len(result) == 2 assert "a2b" in [ for x in result] # somewhat bigger model universal = Model("universal_reactions") with salmonella as model: for i in [ for i in model.metabolites.f6p_c.reactions]: reaction = model.reactions.get_by_id(i) universal.add_reactions([reaction.copy()]) model.remove_reactions([reaction]) gf = GapFiller( model, universal, penalties={"TKT2": 1e3}, demand_reactions=False ) solution = gf.fill() assert "TKT2" not in { for r in solution[0]} assert gf.validate(solution[0])