Source code for update_pickles

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

from collections import OrderedDict
from json import dump as json_dump

import cobra
from import (
    load_matlab_model, read_sbml_model, save_json_model, save_matlab_model,
from import write_sbml2

# This script regenerates pickles of cobra Models.  Should be
# performed after updating core classes to prevent subtle bugs.
    from cPickle import load, dump
    from pickle import load, dump

[docs]config = cobra.Configuration()
[docs]config.solver = "glpk"
# ecoli
[docs]ecoli_model = read_sbml_model("iJO1366.xml")
with open("iJO1366.pickle", "wb") as outfile: dump(ecoli_model, outfile, protocol=2) # salmonella
[docs]salmonella = read_sbml_model("salmonella.xml")
with open("salmonella.genes", "rb") as infile:
[docs] gene_names = load(infile)
for gene in salmonella.genes:
[docs] = gene_names[]
with open("", "rb") as infile:
[docs] salmonella.media_compositions = load(infile)
with open("salmonella.pickle", "wb") as outfile: dump(salmonella, outfile, protocol=2) # create mini model from textbook
[docs]textbook = read_sbml_model("textbook.xml.gz")
[docs]mini = cobra.Model("mini_textbook")
[docs]mini.compartments = textbook.compartments
for r in textbook.reactions: if in ("GLCpts", "PGI", "PFK", "FBA", "TPI", "GAPD", "PGK", "PGM", "ENO", "PYK", "EX_glc__D_e", "EX_h_e", "H2Ot", "ATPM", "PIt2r"): mini.add_reaction(r.copy()) mini.reactions.ATPM.upper_bound = mini.reactions.PGI.upper_bound
[docs]mini.objective = ["PFK", "ATPM"] # No biomass, 2 reactions
# add in some information from iJO1366 mini.add_reaction(ecoli_model.reactions.LDH_D.copy()) mini.add_reaction(ecoli_model.reactions.EX_lac__D_e.copy())
[docs]r = cobra.Reaction("D_LACt2")
mini.add_reaction(r) r.gene_reaction_rule = ecoli_model.reactions.D__LACt2pp.gene_reaction_rule
[docs]r.reaction = ecoli_model.reactions.D__LACt2pp.reaction.replace("_p", "_e")
[docs]mini.reactions.GLCpts.gene_reaction_rule = \ ecoli_model.reactions.GLCptspp.gene_reaction_rule
# adjust bounds for i in ["ATPM", "D_LACt2", "EX_lac__D_e", "LDH_D"]:
[docs] mini.reactions.get_by_id(i).upper_bound = mini.reactions.PGI.upper_bound
for i in ["D_LACt2", "LDH_D"]:
[docs] mini.reactions.get_by_id(i).lower_bound = mini.reactions.PGI.lower_bound
# set names and annotation for g in mini.genes: try:
[docs] tg = textbook.genes.get_by_id(
except KeyError: continue = g.annotation = tg.annotation mini.reactions.sort() mini.genes.sort() mini.metabolites.sort() # output to various formats with open("mini.pickle", "wb") as outfile: dump(mini, outfile, protocol=2) save_matlab_model(mini, "mini.mat") save_json_model(mini, "mini.json", pretty=True) write_sbml_model(mini, "mini_fbc2.xml") write_sbml_model(mini, "mini_fbc2.xml.bz2") write_sbml_model(mini, "mini_fbc2.xml.gz") write_sbml2(mini, "mini_fbc1.xml", use_fbc_package=True) write_sbml_model(mini, "mini_cobra.xml", use_fbc_package=False)
[docs]raven = load_matlab_model("raven.mat")
with open("raven.pickle", "wb") as outfile: dump(raven, outfile, protocol=2) # TODO:these need a reference solutions rather than circular solution checking! # fva results fva_result = cobra.flux_analysis.flux_variability_analysis(textbook) clean_result = OrderedDict() for key in sorted(fva_result): clean_result[key] = {k: round(v, 5) for k, v in fva_result[key].items()} with open("textbook_fva.json", "w") as outfile: json_dump(clean_result, outfile) # fva with pfba constraint
[docs]fva_result = cobra.flux_analysis.flux_variability_analysis(textbook, pfba_factor=1.1)
[docs]clean_result = OrderedDict()
for key in sorted(fva_result): clean_result[key] = {k: round(v, 5) for k, v in fva_result[key].items()} with open("textbook_pfba_fva.json", "w") as outfile: json_dump(clean_result, outfile) # textbook solution
[docs]solution = cobra.flux_analysis.parsimonious.pfba(textbook)
with open('textbook_solution.pickle', 'wb') as f: dump(solution, f, protocol=2)