Source code for cobra.test.test_core.test_metabolite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Test functions of"""

import pytest

from cobra.core import Metabolite

[docs]def test_metabolite_formula(): met = Metabolite("water") met.formula = "H2O" assert met.elements == {"H": 2, "O": 1} assert met.formula_weight == 18.01528
[docs]def test_formula_element_setting(model): met = model.metabolites[1] orig_formula = str(met.formula) orig_elements = dict(met.elements) met.formula = '' assert met.elements == {} met.elements = orig_elements assert met.formula == orig_formula
[docs]def test_set_id(solved_model): solution, model = solved_model met = Metabolite("test") with pytest.raises(TypeError): setattr(met, 'id', 1) model.add_metabolites([met]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): setattr(met, "id", 'g6p_c') = "test2" assert "test2" in model.metabolites assert "test" not in model.metabolites
[docs]def test_remove_from_model(solved_model): solution, model = solved_model met = model.metabolites.get_by_id("g6p_c") met.remove_from_model() assert not ( in model.metabolites) assert not ( in model.constraints)
[docs]def test_repr_html_(model): assert '<table>' in model.metabolites.h2o_c._repr_html_()