Source code for cobra.medium.annotations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Lists and annotations for compartment names and reactions.

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[docs]excludes = { "demand": ["SN_", "SK_", "sink", "EX_", "exchange"], "exchange": ["demand", "DM_", "biosynthesis", "transcription", "replication", "SN_", "SK_", "sink"], "sink": ["demand", "DM_", "biosynthesis", "transcription", "replication", "EX_", "exchange"]
} """A list of sub-strings in reaction IDs that usually indicate that the reaction is *not* a reaction of the specified type."""
[docs]sbo_terms = {"demand": "SBO:0000628", "exchange": "SBO:0000627", "sink": "SBO:0000632", "biomass": "SBO:0000629", "pseudoreaction": "SBO:0000631"}
"""SBO term identifiers for various boundary types."""
[docs]compartment_shortlist = { "ce": ["cell envelope"], "c": ["cytoplasm", "cytosol", "default", "in", "intra cellular", "intracellular", "intracellular region", "intracellular space"], "er": ["endoplasmic reticulum"], "erm": ["endoplasmic reticulum membrane"], "e": ["extracellular", "extraorganism", "out", "extracellular space", "extra organism", "extra cellular", "extra-organism", "external", "external medium"], "f": ["flagellum", "bacterial-type flagellum"], "g": ["golgi", "golgi apparatus"], "gm": ["golgi membrane"], "h": ["chloroplast"], "l": ["lysosome"], "im": ["mitochondrial intermembrane space"], "mm": ["mitochondrial membrane"], "m": ["mitochondrion", "mitochondria"], "n": ["nucleus"], "p": ["periplasm", "periplasmic space"], "x": ["peroxisome", "glyoxysome"], "u": ["thylakoid"], "vm": ["vacuolar membrane"], "v": ["vacuole"], "w": ["cell wall"], "s": ["eyespot", "eyespot apparatus", "stigma"]
} """A list of common compartment abbreviations and alternative names."""