Source code for cobra.core.summary.summary

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Define the Summary class."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

from warnings import warn

from cobra.flux_analysis.helpers import normalize_cutoff

[docs]class Summary(object): """ Define the abstract base summary. Attributes ---------- model : cobra.Model The metabolic model in which to generate a summary description. solution : cobra.Solution A solution that matches the given model. threshold : float, optional Threshold below which fluxes are not reported. fva : pandas.DataFrame, optional The result of a flux variability analysis (FVA) involving reactions of interest if an FVA was requested. names : bool Whether or not to use object names rather than identifiers. float_format : callable Format string for displaying floats. Methods ------- to_frame Return a data frame representation of the summary. """ def __init__( self, model, solution=None, threshold=None, fva=None, names=False, float_format="{:.3G}".format, **kwargs ): """ Initialize a summary. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model The metabolic model in which to generate a summary description. solution : cobra.Solution, optional A previous model solution to use for generating the summary. If None, the summary method will resolve the model. Note that the solution object must match the model, i.e., changes to the model such as changed bounds, added or removed reactions are not taken into account by this method (default None). threshold : float, optional Threshold below which fluxes are not reported. May not be smaller than the model tolerance (default None). fva : pandas.DataFrame or float, optional Whether or not to include flux variability analysis in the output. If given, fva should either be a previous FVA solution matching the model or a float between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of the optimum objective to be searched (default None). names : bool, optional Emit reaction and metabolite names rather than identifiers (default False). float_format : callable, optional Format string for floats (default ``'{:3G}'.format``). Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : Further keyword arguments are passed on to the parent class. """ super(Summary, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.model = model self.solution = solution self.threshold = normalize_cutoff(self.model, threshold) self.fva = fva self.names = names self.float_format = float_format
[docs] def _generate(self): """Generate the summary for the required cobra object. This is an abstract method and thus the subclass needs to implement it. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method needs to be implemented by the "
[docs] def _process_flux_dataframe(self, flux_dataframe): """Process a flux DataFrame for convenient downstream analysis. This method removes flux entries which are below the threshold and also adds information regarding the direction of the fluxes. It is used in both ModelSummary and MetaboliteSummary. Parameters ---------- flux_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame The pandas.DataFrame to process. Returns ------- A processed pandas.DataFrame. """ abs_flux = flux_dataframe['flux'].abs() flux_threshold = self.threshold * abs_flux.max() # Drop unused boundary fluxes i.e., fluxes below threshold if self.fva is None: flux_dataframe = \ flux_dataframe.loc[abs_flux >= flux_threshold, :].copy() else: flux_dataframe = ( flux_dataframe .loc[(abs_flux >= flux_threshold) | (flux_dataframe['fmin'].abs() >= flux_threshold) | (flux_dataframe['fmax'].abs() >= flux_threshold), :] .copy() ) # Make all fluxes positive while maintaining proper direction if self.fva is None: # add information regarding direction flux_dataframe['is_input'] = (flux_dataframe['flux'] >= 0) # make the fluxes absolute flux_dataframe['flux'] = flux_dataframe['flux'].abs() # sort the values flux_dataframe.sort_values(by=['is_input', 'flux', 'id'], ascending=[False, False, True], inplace=True) else: def get_direction(row): """Decide whether or not to reverse a flux to make it positive.""" if row.flux < 0: sign = -1 elif row.flux > 0: sign = 1 elif (row.fmax > 0) & (row.fmin <= 0): sign = 1 elif (row.fmax < 0) & (row.fmin >= 0): sign = -1 elif ((row.fmax + row.fmin) / 2) < 0: sign = -1 else: sign = 1 return sign # get a sign DataFrame to use as a pseudo-mask sign = flux_dataframe.apply(get_direction, axis=1) flux_dataframe['is_input'] = (sign == 1) flux_dataframe.loc[:, ['flux', 'fmin', 'fmax']] = ( flux_dataframe.loc[:, ['flux', 'fmin', 'fmax']] .multiply(sign, axis=0) .astype('float') ) flux_dataframe.sort_values(by=['is_input', 'flux', 'fmax', 'fmin', 'id'], ascending=[False, False, False, False, True], inplace=True) return flux_dataframe
[docs] def to_frame(self): """Generate a pandas DataFrame. This is an abstract method and thus the subclass needs to implement it. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method needs to be implemented by the "
[docs] def _to_table(self): """Generate a pretty-print table. This is an abstract method and thus the subclass needs to implement it. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method needs to be implemented by the "
[docs] def __str__(self): if self.float_format is not None: warn("Setting float_format to anything other than None " "will cause nan to be present in the output.") return self._to_table()
[docs] def _repr_html_(self): return self.to_frame()._repr_html_()